First "Date"

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I exited my house with Libitina and got into the car. While I was thinking about where to go, Red Lobster suddenly popped into mind. Not much of a surprise really, as I actually happened to enjoy the place very much.

I started the drive there while Libitina stared out the window. She seemed somewhat shocked and amazed. I guess it was to be expected, as her life was probably very limited inside of DDLC.

I continued the drive and just focused on the empty road. The road was normal until I had passed the turn to Keith's house. It then started to do the same thing it did earlier, where it would slowly appear in the distance as if it was loading. Libitina didn't really seem to notice it.

Or maybe she did. I don't know, maybe she thought it was normal for it to do that.

After a couple of minutes of driving, I finally saw the Red Lobster. It loaded in the distance along with the parking lot and the road in front of it. I soon parked in the empty lot and entered the building with Libitina.

Unlike the rest of the city, the restaurant was strangely packed. It was exactly how I remembered it when I had been here some time ago. Not with Yuri, but with... Monika.

No, but enough reminiscing. I had a reason to be here.

We were greeted by a man in a waiters uniform. He confirmed that it was just the two of us before sitting us at table. Libitina took a seat and I sat across from her. As soon as I sat down however, the world around me glitched once again.

Libitina disappeared and soon, Keith took her place. His ex girlfriend, Kiara, soon appeared next to him, typing on her phone. And suddenly, I felt someones hand touching mine. I looked to my right and saw Monika smiling at me. I felt like moving my hand away, but at the same time, I didn't want to. I kind of felt like smiling back, instead.

As I was about to even consider it, the world around me glitched again. Monika was gone, along with Keith and Kiara. The only person sitting with me was Libitina. She sat and casually played with her hair as if nothing happened.

I felt a little thrown off at what had just happened. I'd probably have to get used to it though, since it was probably gonna happen quite often while I was here.

"Danny. Is everything alright," Libitina gently asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah, everything's fine." I sat up straight. "Don't worry about it. Just pick out what you're gonna eat."


She picked up her menu and started looking at it. I went ahead and did the same. The menu itself was... odd. All it had were different pictures of shrimp, no words or prices.

After maybe about three seconds of staring at the odd menu, it suddenly changed into that of an actual menu. Actual things to choose with actual prices.

When someone came to take our order, I went ahead and ordered us both the wood grilled shrimp since Libitina couldn't decide on something. Same for the drinks. I just went ahead and got us both a lemonade. Once the waitress left, I started my mission.

"So Libitina, tell me about yourself," I said.

"O-Oh. Well, umm...

She took a moment to think about it. Well a little more than a moment, she was actually taking pretty long.

"You don't need to be shy, Yu- Libitina." I sighed. "You know what, I'll go first. I..."

A strange burst of shyness suddenly took over me. It felt weird and unlike me. I tried to ignore it and continue speaking, but the words wouldn't come out. I just found myself stuttering "I" as a gentle smile slowly formed on Libitina's face. I broke my stutter of I's and questioned her on that instead.

"W-What are you smiling at," I asked, trying to sound stern.

She shyly looked away, but her smile remained.

"I-I'm sorry," she said.

I sighed. "Whatever. So like, I'll go first..."

"It's fine. I'll go ahead," she said before sitting up straight. "A-As you know, I'm Libitina. I... I enjoy reading. My personal favorite books are horror based. And well... There's not much else to say about me, really."

She muttered something to herself after she finished. I kind of felt like questioning her on it, but I decided not to.

"Well that's... interesting. I don't really read much, I actually prefer to write. I guess one of my favorite stories to write was..."

"Just Monika," she said, finishing my sentence.

"Uh... Yeah actually. I-I didn't think you knew about that..."

She seemed a little confused. "I don't..."

After a little bit of awkward silence, I went ahead and asked a question.

"So uh, have you been to a restaurant before?"

"Well... my memory's a little fuzzy." She looked around a bit. "But I guess not. I think I'd recall being in a place as nice as this."

"Yeah it is pretty nice."

We went silent again, but it was soon broken by our waitress bringing us our drinks and food. Libitina and I went ahead and ate in silence. No words were spoken. Only the sounds of the people around us.

I did end up breaking my minds peacefulness at one point when I remembered that I hadn't brought my wallet with me. I heard some clicks in my ear as I went ahead and checked my pockets again, realizing that I actually did have it, causing me to instantly calm down.

I made a mental note to myself to not freak out so easily about such little things. Those clicks were warnings about my growth in heart rate, meaning I was at risk of overloading the system.

Or something like that.

After Libitina and I finished eating, I paid the tab with my unusually full wallet and headed back to the car. Strangely enough, it was already nighttime.

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