Your World Is Broken

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I continued to drive through the unknown area. It felt a little uncomfortable, but for some reason, it felt like the feeling I was having was numbed. Like I wasn't allowed to feel this way.

It's a little hard to explain...

Like my mind wanted to power through the feeling even I myself did not want to.


I had no other choice than to keep driving. McKinley said the world would be rebuilt for me, so hopefully things would be normal soon.

As I was driving, I heard something coming from behind me. A car.

A really loud car...

Before I knew it, the car passed me at a real high speed. I immediately recognized it as I saw it.

The beautiful orange corvette.


Of course, I couldn't keep up with her. She was driving sports car that made almost four times the amount of horsepower and weighed about a thousand pounds less than mine. The car just disappeared in the distance.

I patted my dashboard... The Marquis is my baby after all. Even through all the shit I might've put it through.

I suddenly heard a click next to me. I freaked out and quickly turned my head but didn't see what I was expecting.

I still had to take a moment to calm myself down since I wasn't expecting to see her.


It seemed like she had just put on her seatbelt, which explained the clicking sound. But her actual presence didn't really have much of an explanation on its own. The more I thought about it, the more I freaked out.

She slowly put her hand on my shoulder, causing me to calm down a bit. It actually made me wonder why I was freaking out in the first place.

I soon became completely calm and accepting of the fact that Monika was here.

"Are you feeling better," she asked.

"Yeah, I guess. What are you doing here?"

"I was placed here to talk to you."

"Placed here? You're aware of that...?"

"Eh, it's kind of weird... I don't really get to choose what I know. I barely even understand it myself... but we'll talk about that later. For now I need to..."

Her voice trailed off as she started thinking. I just kept driving and patiently waited for her to capture her thoughts.

"I need to..." She sighed. "I don't remember what I needed to do."

"Ah that's fine. It's nice to just have someone here with me. I don't even know where I am."

She looked out the window and then out the windshield before suddenly snapping her fingers.

"Danny, I just remembered."


"Okay, so... right now you're gonna be taken somewhere. I can't really specify, but-"

She started to glitch again before suddenly disappearing. She didn't even get to finish her sentence... and all she got to tell me were things I already knew.

I sighed and just kept driving. Hopefully things would start to make sense soon, or I'd lose my mind.

After what felt like a couple of minutes of driving through numbers and darkness, I started to see something forming ahead of me.

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