Heart Rush

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When I approached him, he quickly moved out of the way, causing me to miss. He made an attempt to slash at me, but I recovered quick enough to keep myself out of harm. He quickly jumped back and looked at me with anger and focus. I just smiled.

I caught a glimpse of Libitina through the cars windshield. She seemed like she was frozen in shock. As if she was literally frozen...

While I was distracted by that, Robbie took the opportunity and slashed my chest, causing me to react and jump back. It hurt... but I just smiled through the pain. Robbie immediately jumped back after slashing me, making sure there was a good distance between us.

I went ahead and twirled my knife into a backhand before lunging at him. Once again, he moved out of the way, but ended up pushing me to the ground on my back instead.

He grabbed my knife arm and started trying to pull the knife from my hand. I tried to keep him from doing so while using my left arm to punch it. It was no use... he ended taking the knife and throwing it into the nearby grass before putting his own knife to my neck.

Another loss by me.

I looked at him with anger, but inside I felt fear. He looked at me with anger and breathed heavily as put slight pressure on my neck.

His body glitched all of sudden. I saw my knife getting thrown into the grass out of nowhere, and his truck disappeared for a couple of seconds before reappearing.

I saw my knife get thrown yet another time before suddenly feeling it in my hand. Before I could use it however, it disappeared and got thrown a fourth time.

I started to get a real bad headache. I was slowly losing feeling of my body, but I didn't feel Robbie's knife doing anything. He just stayed still and looked at me with the same expression as he continued with his heavy breathing.

I started to feel weaker. My eyes didn't want to stay open and I started feel like I was losing consciousness. My vision started to blur before slowly blacking out.

All I saw was black, as if my eyes were closed, but I could still feel around me. I couldn't move, but I did feel the pressure of Robbie's knife slowly leave my neck.

I suddenly started to retain my vision. From black, to blurry, to clear. With my vision, I also retained my strength.

I slowly sat up and looked around. I saw Robbie standing with... me? Just after he was ready to slit my throat.

They seemed to be talking about something, but I couldn't hear them. All I could tell was that they were having a happy conversation due to the smiles on their faces.

And the Miata... it was no longer there. In its place was my old Dodge Intrepid. I couldn't see Libitina through the windshield. She seemed to have just disappeared.

I slowly got up onto my feet. Despite the noise I made, Robbie and... Danny didn't seem to notice me. I headed to the car and decided to just leave the knife since they were standing close to where Robbie threw it. I got inside the car and realized something. If the Miata wasn't there, then that would mean...

My guess was wrong. I still had the Miata keys in my pocket, but the intrepid keys were already in the ignition. I lightly chuckled at the convenience of the situation. What kind of idiot would leave his keys unattended like that?


I just sighed and started the car before heading down the road. I had no idea where I was going, but getting out of here would probably be my best bet.

As I driving, the road kept slowly appearing before suddenly becoming a white void. The car drove fine on the void, but nothing was ahead of me. I decided to turn back, but looking in the rear view mirror showed me that the area behind me was replaced by a white void. What happened?

I suddenly felt the car slowing down before coming to sudden stop that caused me to slightly lurch forward. The gas pedal stopped responding, so I exited the car. As soon as I did, the car disappeared behind me. I suddenly started to hear noises.

"Thirty Six," said Dr. McKinley's voice.


"What happened?"

"I'm sure you saw it already."

"There was an interference when you charged at the boy. When I reconnected, all I saw was you driving through the nonexistent. Where's Libitina?"

"I don't know. She disappeared."

There was a sudden bang.

"What do you mean she disappeared," asked McKinley in an angry tone.

"She disappeared along with my Miata. This car suddenly appeared in its place so I took it."

"Dammit... I'll go get Ms. Jasmine. But remember what I said earlier. Do not lose your sense of hostility."

"Uh, okay hold on. I'm getting the feeling that things started messing up when I tried to fight Robbie. Are you sure being hostile is a good idea?"

"That's not what caused the interference. It was something else... I'm sure of it. Jasmine will take care of it. Just stay there."


I stopped hearing things from McKinley and took a seat on the empty ground. I sat there for maybe about... twenty minutes? I don't know, my cell phone and keys disappeared along with the car.

Well after what I was sure was twenty minutes, I heard some movement before hearing a voice again. It was Miss's voice. Or as I knew her now... Jasmine, or Ms. Jasmine.

"Thirty Six."

"Hey, Miss."

"Dr. McKinley is telling me that you lost Libitina?"


"How did you lose her?"

"He says that his car disappeared along with Libitina. Another car appeared, but Libitina was no longer inside," said McKinley. He sounded farther away than Miss, but I could still hear what he was saying.

"Let me see..." I heard some clicking before hearing Miss lightly gasp. "Thirty Six, your heart rate was very high. You need to rest immediately."

"What? I feel fine..."

"Thirty Six, it is urgent that you rest. We will talk about it when you wake up, okay? I will load up your room for you, and you must go to bed. Do not worry about Libitina. I will bring her back. Just go to sleep."


I stopped hearing Ms. Jasmine or Mckinely before suddenly seeing a blurry image around it. It soon cleared up and showed my bedroom. Well I think it was my bedroom... there was nothing in there besides the bed, floor and walls. Not even a door to leave the room...

I did as I was told and lied on the bed. I felt very active... but after clearing my head, I soon found myself falling asleep.

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