The Truth

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"What is it," I asked.

"Well..." She sighed. "You know this world isn't real..."

"Well yeah. I mean, I know that already... it doesn't mean I can't change though. I can still be a good person."

I suddenly remembered that as soon as I woke up, I'd be stuck in the lab. I'd probably just continue to be McKinley's test subject...

"But Danny..."

I interrupted her.

"I know, I'm pretty much being held captive by McKinley. Don't worry though, I'll figure something out. And if I'm not mistaken... Someone else is messing with the things that go on around here. Maybe they can help me."

"Yes, it's Jasmine. But Dan-"

"Great! I'm sure she'd be willing to help me out... It'll all work out Monika, I'm sure of it."

"But Danny, that's not the issue."

"What? Then what's wrong then?"

She sighed once again.

"Danny... the system overloaded."

"What do you mean?"

"Your brain, it shut down."

"What? No... that can't be. I feel just fine."

She held my hand.

"I'm sorry this happened, Danny. I guess your mind couldn't handle the changes you were making. It's my fault you changed... it's my fault you didn't make it."

"But Monika, I feel fine! Nothing's wrong, I'm okay!"

She wiped a tear from her face.

"You're being held alive my machines..."

"Monika, I can't be dead... I'm still here, I'm still lucid!"

"It's the machines, Danny. Once you wake up... Well, you won't be able to."

"No... Monika, you're lying to me. Please tell me this isn't real!"

She just looked down as she cried a little more. According to her, I was dead... It was freaky. I felt like panicking.


"I'm sorry Danny... I really wish this wasn't true, but you had to know. And now, I'm gonna wake you up."

"What? No, why? I can just stay asleep, right? I could pretend everything's fine..."

"Danny, McKinley won't do that. He'll find a way to force you awake... and it'll be very painful for you. I don't want to see you in pain..."


"I know it's a hard thing to do. Lying down and accepting death... It's not a normal or easy thing to do."

"Monika... I can't. I can't be dead..."

She held my hand and smiled at me with tears in her eyes.

"Remember Danny, I'm nothing more than a memory. I exist only inside your mind... just like you do now. I'll be here with you every step of the way, and we'll both go out together."

The current situation and seeing her cry made me wanna cry. But I held back the tears... I had to try and stay strong. Even though very soon, it won't matter anymore...

"Alright Monika. You can wake me up..."

She nodded and gave me a hug. I hugged her back, knowing this would be the last hug I'd give someone.

"Okay Danny, go ahead and lie on the floor."

"Just anywhere?"


I went ahead and lied in a random spot on the ground of the void. Once I did, the floor under me started to feel like a very comfortable bed. Much more comfortable than my own.

Monika went ahead and lied down next to me. As soon as she did, she grabbed my hand and put it around her before moving closer and pressing her face against my chest.

"Goodnight Danny."

"Goodnight? Weren't you gonna wake me up...?"

"Let's just try to relax for now. We'll figure it out when we wake up."

"Are you sure?"


"Alright then..."

She looked up at me and kissed me.

"Fall asleep with me."

I couldn't help but smile.

"Alright. Goodnight, Monika."

"Goodnight, Danny."

I closed my eyes and soon found myself drifting off to sleep...

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