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I slowly started to regain my vision. It felt like I had been unconscious for at least a couple of hours, but there was no way that could've been the case. As soon as I was able to see properly, I heard a couple of car doors shut.

I managed to get a look behind the car. I saw four armed, black suited men walking towards me as I weakly sat in my Miata that had collided with a black Silverado. My pistol had flown away from me during the collision, so I had no weapons on me.

I stopped looking at the armed men and just tried to lie my head behind the seat. I shut my eyes and just waited for it to happen.

I soon heard a door slam as well as some gunshots, causing me to shut my eyes tighter. I quickly realized that the shots weren't directed towards me, since I probably would've already been shot by now. I carefully behind the car again. I saw a grey suited man with long hair and a pistol. He was standing over the bodies of the other four men who were now lying on the floor.

He suddenly glanced in my direction. I quickly lowered my head behind the seat once again. I didn't know who that guy was, but I was afraid to find out.

As I hid, I could hear him approaching my car. I felt too weak to try and fight back, so I just waited in my seat. Whatever happens, happens I guess.

I soon felt a tap on my shoulder. I slowly turned my head and saw the gray suited man standing over me with a serious expression. As soon as I looked at him, he concealed his pistol into the inside of his suit.

"Are you alright," he asked.

"Yeah... I guess. What do you want?"

"I'm here to help you. My name is Ben."

He attempted to open car door, but it wouldn't budge. I went ahead and took off my seatbelt before going over the door instead since the convertible top was still down.

As soon as I went over the door and onto my feet, I felt myself fall over, but Ben stopped me before I could.

"You don't need to hold me, I can walk," I said.

I moved his arms away and attempted to walk a bit, but my legs gave out and I ended up falling onto one knee. Ben approached me and helped me out.

"Come on, we need to get you out of here," he said.

He helped me over to his car. I couldn't tell before, but upon further observation, I could tell it was an Aston Martin. Quite a fancy looking car... not commonly found in my city. It left me wondering what someone driving this would be doing around here.

He helped me into the passengers seat before getting into the drivers seat. I suddenly noticed that there were no longer any other cars around. The only ones there were the Chrysler 300, the Miata, and the Aston Martin. Even the Silverado I collided with was gone.

"Where's your home," Ben asked.

"What? No... no I can't just tell you my address. I don't even know who you are. What do you want from me?"

"I'm here to protect you, and like I said before, my name is Ben. I mean no harm to you, I only intend to protect you."

I sighed. "Alright."

I told him my address and he went ahead and drove there. He seemed to know his way already, so I just rested my head on the headrest while he drove.

After a couple of minutes, he stopped at my house and parked in the empty driveway.

"Thanks for the ride, Ben."

"No problem. Before you go though, I need to talk to you about something."

"Okay... what is it?"

"I want to protect you, but I can't look out for you twenty four seven. As well as protection, I will also be doing my best to train your mind So that you can handle yourself in situations like that."

"Okay, I guess I get that... but why me? Like, why are you helping me?"

"I was sent to protect you and train you."

"What? By who?"

"I cannot say. For now I must be on my way, but I'll call you tomorrow morning."


I got out of his car and he quickly drove off. I weakly walked into my house and towards my room. When I got there, I saw Libitina lying on the bed. She seemed to be asleep.

I caught sight of the window. Even though it was daytime when I walked in, the window showed that it was nighttime. That honestly fit better with how I felt though.

I felt like I was weak and needed some rest. My legs wanted to give out and I just needed to sleep.

I got into bed with Libitina and moved closer to her since the room was somewhat cold. After a couple of minutes, I doin found myself falling asleep.

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