Inside The Mind

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I soon found myself lying on the floor. I slowly opened my eyes. There was nothing in front of me. I took a look around and saw nothing around me. All I could see was white. A white void surrounding me with nothing in it besides me.

I soon started to hear something. A voice that sounded like Miss.

"Thirty Six. Can you hear me," she asked.

"Uh, yeah, I think so."

"Good, you are now lucid. Now Thirty Six, before you get started, I need to state some rules for you."


Could've told me while I was still awake.

"First, you must try to refrain from stressing Libitina or yourself. Doing so may result in your death."


"Also, make sure that you do not allow your heart rate to increase too rapidly. Try to keep yourself calm and if your heart rate does rise at a dangerous rate, I'll try to alert you with a little clicking sound. Like this."

I heard a little click after she finished her sentence. It sounded like it was in my ear rather than around me.

"Okay I got it."

"One last thing. Make sure that you do not die while you are lucid. We will try to keep any threats away from you but your thoughts will mostly be in your control, so try to keep your mind away from anything that could be a threat to you or Libitina."

"Alright, alright, I got it."

"Okay Thirty Six. Good luck."

He white void around me suddenly started to turn into that of a blurred image. After a couple more seconds, the image became clear and showed Keith's room. Keith looked at me with a confused expression and Odin was on his bed using his phone.

"What are you doing," Keith asked.

As I was about to respond, I felt something form in my hands. I looked and saw that I had a hard drive in my right hand and a cable in my left. I suddenly remembered where this was from.

"It's none of your concern," I said as I approached Keith's computer.

"Well, you are using my computer..."

"Just...! Let me work. I got this."

I ignored whatever else Keith had to say and connected the hard drive to his computer. Every memory of this day was coming to mind. I moved the files of Monika After Story into Keith's computer and waited for the familiar distortion of the computer.

As soon as the files finished moving, the screen started to distort. Keith looked at it with some surprise and Odin looked at it in shock. I just looked at it with impatience since I already knew what was gonna happen and I just wanted to get it over with.

"What did you do," Odin asked.

"Just watch."

"She's coming back," Keith asked.

"Just watch the damn computer."

They both shut their mouths and watched the computer. After a couple of minutes, the computer made a sound that scared Keith and Odin. I just continued to wait and watch.

The computer screen started to alter even more. Soon, I could see Yuri's hand coming out of it. I immediately grabbed it and tugged on it in an attempt to get Yuri out of the computer as quickly as possible.

"What the fuck," Odin said in shock.

I just ignored him and continued pulling on Yuri's arm. After some struggling, she came out of the computer with great force, causing me to fall onto the floor with her on top of me. I quickly moved her off of me and got back on to my feet.

"Get up," I said to her.

"What just happened," asked Odin

I turned to Odin and gave him a stern look.

"I'm not gonna stand here and explain it to you. Keith, go explain it to him downstairs."

"Yeah, I got it."

Keith and Odin exited the room. I stayed behind with Yuri and helped her up to her feet.

"Yuri," I said.

She weakly stood on her feet before sitting on Keith's bed. "W-What? Do we know each other..."

I sighed to myself as I realized that I was gonna have to through the whole introduction process again.

"No, we don't. I'm Danny. I know your name because of where you came from, so don't be too surprised about it."

"Well okay... But I feel like I've seen you before. Are you sure we don't know each other?"

"Yes I'm sure."

"Alright... Well as you already know, my name is-" Her body suddenly glitched for half a second before she finished her sentence. "Libitina."

"Uhh... alright Libitina. Well I should probably give you some sort of explanation of what we need to do."

"Oh well, okay," she said while rubbing her head.

"This whole world we're in doesn't really exi-"

Yuri... Or I'm sorry Libitina, suddenly stopped moving. I soon heard some noises before hearing Miss's voice.

"Thirty Six."


"You cannot tell anyone that the world your in isn't real. It'll cause the system to overload."

"I mean... okay, I guess. What exactly am I supposed to do with her?"

"Spend time with her. Anything that'll keep you both from stressing out."

"Is everything in here where it should be in reality?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like restaurants and the like."

"They'll be there as long as you know they exist. I must go now... Is there anything else you need before I go?"

I sighed. "Do I really need to spend time with her?"



"Alright Thirty Six, we will meet again later. For now, please try to be careful with your actions."

Libitina suddenly started moving again, so I knew that Miss had left already.

"Alright, gotta be more careful," I quietly said to myself.


"Huh? What's up?"

"W-Were you saying something?"

"Oh right. Uh well you see this world. It's new to you, since you came out of the computer. So I will basically be your guide for as long as you're here."

"Oh well, okay..."

"Just, lets state some things first."

She sat up straight in a way like she was ready to listen.

"Please... Please do not stress me out. I have horrible migraines, and I really don't handle stress very well."

"I'll do my best not to," she said in her usual quiet voice.

"Perfect. As long as you can do that, we should be fine."

For some reason, I just felt like...

No. I can't think about that. I'll end up doing something that'll just end up killing me.

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