Test Of Threat

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I just continued to watch TV while I did a bit of thinking.

Even though I didn't trust Jasmine or McKinley, I'd still probably have to listen to them since they were pretty much in control of what I see and face.

Well, McKinley was. I wonder what happened with Jasmine...

Well I doubt McKinley would let me die. They need me to be able to breathe and think since I know what Libitina looks and acts like. Somewhat at least...

I stopped thinking about it and just tried to relax and watch TV. No matter what was thrown at me, I'm sure I could deal with it. Just gotta remember a couple of things.

Don't die. Don't stress Libitina, and don't stress myself...

That last one may be difficult depending on what McKinley decides to throw at me, but I'll do my best.

After watching for about twenty more minutes, I stopped. I didn't really have much thought for anything else to do, so I thought maybe I could just drive around for a bit.

"Hey Libitina."


"Lets go for a drive. I don't wanna just stay inside all day."

She smiled and nodded in response with a quiet "okay." I went ahead and took my keys out of my pocket before heading outside with Yuri. We got into the car and I started driving down the road and around town for a bit. Libitina was still very interested in the buildings outside, which was somewhat odd. I didn't remember Yuri being so observant of the outside, but whatever.

I went ahead and put the convertible top down. Libitina seemed to like that a lot. I did too... cruising around with the top down. No worries about the police or traffic. Just being able to drive wherever... it was nice. Soothing. Peaceful.

After a little while, the peaceful drive came to a halt. The car started to slow down, and then it suddenly stopped. The car was still in gear however, so it stalled as soon as it stopped and shut itself off.

I started to hear the familiar voice of McKinley. I was a little annoyed... considering he went ahead and took this peaceful drive away from me.

"Thirty Six," he said.

"What," I asked in somewhat of an annoyed tone.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm just cruising. Relaxing. Why?"

"Well your relaxation will have to come to an end. I want to perform a test... and Libitina will not be necessary for this."

I suddenly saw Libitina glitch before suddenly disappearing.

"What? What happened to her?"

"Not to worry, Thirty Six. Right now, you have more important business to attend to."

"What do you mean?"

"Listen. As soon as I leave, you're gonna need to evade a black Chrysler 300. The car will be chasing you and some men inside will be shooting at you, do you understand?"

"What?! Why would you wanna do that?"

"I want to see how you handle yourself under pressure."

"But this is a fucking Miata! It ain't fast, they'll be able to tail me with ease and probably run me over!"

"I will place a nine millimeter Glock nineteen in your glove box. Your objective is to take out the men, or evade the car. Your choice."

"And what the hell happens if I die?!"

"Good luck, Thirty Six."

I stopped hearing McKinley's voice and heard something in the distance. Hard to describe the sound, but I already had an idea what it was. I quickly put the car in gear and drove as fast as I could, which wasn't very fast at all...

With the already open top, I could clearly see the Chrysler following me in rear view mirror. I wanted to close the top, but the glass window made it somewhat heavy and roll bar blocked it if I tried to close it with one hand. I'd need to turn and use both.

Even then, the convertible top wouldn't provide much protection anyway.

I went ahead and kept driving as fast as I could while the Chrysler tailed me very close. They weren't shooting at me yet, but I was getting really nervous. I didn't want to reach for the glovebox just yet. That would probably get things started.

I was soon approaching the freeway. I didn't want to get on it, since they'd definitely be able to keep up with my speed. I had to use the nimbleness and small size of the car to my advantage.

I remained in the city streets and tried to make a quick turn onto the next street, but as soon as I did, I heard the first shot being fired. As soon as I finished making the turn, I took the pistol out of the glove box. When I got up to look back at road, I had to immediately swerve out of the way of an oncoming car. It gave me a quick shock but also left me somewhat confused. I didn't expect anyone to else be on the road except for me and people chasing me.

I continued to drive and noticed more cars on the road. Where the hell did this traffic come from?

I soon saw the Chrysler failing me once again. They continued to shoot around me instead of at me, as if they wanted to just scare me instead of kill me. Along with scaring me, it scared the people around me. They started to drive much faster and somewhat recklessly trying to get around each other. Some even went on to hit and scrape each other.

I dodged the traffic while I attempted to take shots behind me. All they'd seem to do was miss and anger the people in the Chrysler. I didn't want to turn around and try to aim out of fear that I'd end up crashing into someone in front of me.

I took about seven shots and a couple of turns before realizing that I wasn't being followed by one, but two cars. The one behind the Chrysler was a white exotic, but I couldn't exactly tell what car it was. I could only guess that it was fast, which would make it harder for me to escape.

I dodged a couple of more cars before realizing that I wouldn't be able to escape them this way. I had to make an accurate shot and shoot the driver.

I quickly turned and aimed before taking another shot. I managed to shoot the windshield before turning back to the road in front of me. As I was driving, I suddenly saw my windshield become horribly cracked near the passengers side. They must've gotten a shot on mine like I did theirs.

Luckily, it didn't mess with my vision very much. I went ahead and turned to take another shot at the car. I just ended up hitting the windshield again while missing the people inside.

Damn, I'm either a horrible shot, or just really bad under pressure.

I continued driving and swerving out of the way of a couple of more cars before taking a chance at another shot. I turned and aimed, trying to make sure I got the driver this time.

I suddenly felt my body harshly lurch forward as I heard a loud bang, somewhat like an explosion. The gun flew out of my hand, and my chest and left forearm started to feel pain as my vision starting to blur. My arm felt some burning and my chest felt some bruising before I slowly felt myself blacking out.

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