Human Interactions

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Love?? What is the definition of love? I asked myself.

Love • /ləv/ noun

An intense feeling of deep affection.

Do I love Mark?

Doing some research, I got this:

Kissing someone is a way to express love.

Hm... I think that means I love Mark.

I looked down at Mark. He was lying down on the couch, soundly asleep. He held onto a pillow close to him.

I couldn't help but have the urge to smile. My eyes turned yellow once again.

Does Mark make me feel happy?

I smiled... So it must mean he does.....

As I went into farther research, I saw something about going on a date.

What is a date?

Date • /dāt/ noun

A social or romantic appointment or engagement.

It says here that you have to ask people you like on dates... I'll experiment that when Mark wakes up.

Who knew human emotions were so complicated.


After exactly 2 hours, 35 minutes and 9 seconds of doing research, Mark had finally awoken.

He yawned and stretched. "Hi Jackson..."

"Mark, I must ask you a question."

He rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Sure, hit me."

I followed his orders and lightly slapped his cheek.

"....not literally."

"Would you like to go on a date with me?"

He stared at me in disbelief. "A date?"

I nodded. "Yes, you don't have to go on a date with me if you don't want to. You can refuse my offer."

Mark shook his head. "No, I would love to go with you. Why do you want to go on a date with me all of a sudden?"

"I have been doing research, and it says that you must ask people who you like out on dates, to show that you care for them and affection."

Mark smiled. "That's so cute.. I'll go on a date with you."

"What destination would you like to have our date at?"

Mark chuckled. "I feel like eating pizza."

"Do you want to go to a restaurant? Food truck?" I inquired.

"As long as I'm with you and there's pizza, I don't care where we go."


The couple walked to the closest park by Mark's house.

As they walked, Mark held Jackson's hand. The Android looked down, and did the same, both of their fingers entwined together.

In the distance, there was a food truck on the grass. At the food truck, Mark ordered his pizza and Jackson paid for the meal.

"You have money on you?" Mark asked.

"Yes, but I only spend it for important things."

Mark smiled. The woman at the food truck gave Mark his pizza and he happily started to eat it. "Thanks Jacks."

Jackson nodded.

They sat at a bench, under the shade of a tree. It was a nice sunny day but there was a slight breeze.

The Android watched as the human happily ate his slice of pizza. Deep inside, it made Jackson happy too.

"My research has also yielded results in the reproductive field. Would you like to experiment that too?"

Mark choked on his pizza. "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!" he blushed.

"By you're reaction, that is a no. It says that if your first attempt fails, you must be farther into your relationship in order to be in that stage."

Mark stared at me. "'re a piece of metal."

"I am made out of 12 different metals. Steel, Titanium–"

Mark laughed, shaking his head. "You don't have to tell me what you're made out of." he put the last bite of pizza in his mouth and threw it away. "C'mon let's go."

Jackson got up and instantly held onto Mark's hand. He blushed at the sudden move, but soon held onto the Android's hand too. The two walked around the park, hand in hand.

Jackson noticed that it was getting late. "We should head back home." 

Mark nodded, leaning his head on the Android's shoulder. 

The sun was setting as they walked to Mark's house. Jackson sensed something bad was going to happen and was alert. His eyes changed a shade of green, trying to analyze the area.

Mark glanced at Jackson. "You okay Jackson?"

He didn't answer.


Jackson moved Mark out of the way, bullets hitting the wall. Jackson pulled out a pistol, holding it to his chest.

"Holy shit!" Mark yelled. "Do you always have a gun on y–"

Mark was abruptly yanked out of Jackson's grasp and was pulled into an alley.

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