Mystery Architecture

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This is a randomish chapter!

Jin and Namjoon are both on the school's Science team. They're in a building event called Mystery Architecture.

(It's an event where you have to build a certain thing like a bridge, with limited amount of supplies and it has to hold a load and meet certain requirements).

"You all have 50 minutes to build." The supervisor announced. "There's a container with all of the materials that you are able to use for your build. You may not use the container or the paper of instructions as a part of your build.

"You now may start."

"Okay, Namjoon, what does the instructions say?"

Namjoon's eyes moved from left to right. "Uhhh, we have to build an elevated bridge, and this is the load." Namjoon lifted up a tennis ball. "What's an elevated bridge?"

"It's an.... Elevated bridge."

Namjoon ohed.

"What's a load?" Jin asked.

"It's the thing that the bridge has to hold or withstand."

Jin lifted a brow. "You know what a load is, but not an elevated bridge?"

Namjoon shook his head. "Never mind... It says that we have to put on the center of the bridge, and it has to stand still on its own."

Jin furrowed his brows. "How are we going to do that?? We only have these cups, tape, yarn, straws, papers, one popsicle stick and these fluffy metal things."

"Pipe cleaners."

Jin grabbed the scissors. "Whatever, pipe cleaners. So what's the plan?"

Namjoon scratched his chin. "Well, they're measuring how long the bridge is so we don't have to make it very tall..."

"Ohh! We could put cups on the opposites sides, and then use the paper to connect it!"

Namjoon nodded. "We could use the paper-" He grabbed the paper and accidentally ripped part of it.

".......... NAMJOON, this is not the time to be breaking stuff."

Why did Namjoon had to be my partner for this event... I could've had Taehyung, or Hoseok, or anyone else.... Jin thought to himself.

"Sorry," Namjoon laughed nervously, reaching for the tape.

"NO! We can't waste this tape!" Jin slapped his hand with a ruler.


"We only have half a meter of tape. We'll just fold the paper... Here, hold the cups."

Namjoon did as he said, and held the cups 20 centimeters away from each other. Jin folded the paper and placed it on top of the cups, and taped them.

"We have to make this stronger..." Jin scratched his chin.

"Let's put the straws with the paper! It'll be pretty strong."

Jin nodded grabbing another sheet of paper. "I'll roll paper up to make sure that it's strong too."

As Namjoon was taking off the wrappers of the straws, Jin was struggling to cut a roll of paper.

"Arrgh! Why isn't it working?"

He squeezed with all of his might. "Stupid scissors... This is what happens when you're school is really cheap..."

Jin squeezed too hard and broke the scissors in half.


Jin slammed his head on the table.


Jin groaned and slowly turned to Namjoon.


He hummed in response as he finished taking off the wrappers. "I'm done, hyung!"
He turned and his eyes widened. "What did you do?!"

"I tried cutting the paper and it broke!" Jin tried putting the scissors back together but it fell apart.

Namjoon and Jin were both laughing very loudly. The other teams stared at them.

"Can we use the tape to put it together?"

Namjoon shook his head, crying from laughter. "Let's just use the pliers to cut them."

Jin tried to use one side of the scissors as a saw to cut the paper and it worked after 8 minutes later.

"It'll be ghetto fabulous!" Jin hair flipped dramatically.

The two boys SOMEHOW made their build with a pair of pliers instead of scissors, and using all of the tape they had.

"Maybe we can put the broken scissors as part of our build." Namjoon put it on top the bridge and it held it.

Jin and Namjoon cheered.

"10 more minutes."

"WHAT?!" Jin yelled.

Namjoon covered his partner's mouth as everyone turned to him.

"Let's put the load on it and see how it goes." Namjoon grabbed the tennis ball and put it on the bridge.

The bridge was smaller than they anticipated but it held the tennis ball.

Their bridge had all of their supplies on it that it barely looked like a bridge. There was string wrapped around it, pipe cleaners sticking out, straw wrappers on there and lots and lots of tape.

"What the hell even is this creation??" Namjoon laughed and pointed at it.

"At this point I don't care, I always lose brain cells when I have to think." Jin sighed, looked at their build.

They looked at other people's creations and didn't care at all. All that mattered is that they actually made something this time.

"Oh there's a sticker in here." Namjoon grabbed it out from their supplies.

Jin grabbed it and placed it on Namjoon's forehead. He took it off and put it on Jin.

"Eww I don't want your oils on me." Jin put it on Namjoon's chin.

"My face isn't oily!!" And Namjoon placed it on his lips.

Jin ripped it off and gaged. "DISGUSTING!"

The elder reached for Namjoon, but he missed and as Namjoon tried to dodge him, he almost knocked down the bridge.

Jin gave him the glare.

"If that fell over, I would be punching you so hard in the crotch that you'd turn into a girl."

Namjoon backed away in fear and laughed nervously. "Haha... Sorry...."

"TIMES UP! We'll be measuring your builds and see if your build can withstand the load."

And so the supervisors went around at each team. When a supervisor came to Namjoon and Jin, the two of them stood next to each other and Namjoon made sure to cover his crotch around Jin.

After it was measured, the two boys exited the classroom.

"We better get first place for that." Jin said as he closed the door. "This competition decreases my IQ...."

Namjoon laughed. "Let's just hope we get top five."

Should I make a pt. 2 for the award ceremony or for another ship's event??🤔

Let me know in the comments!

Sorry for not being active!!!

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