Gamer's Dream (GOT7)

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I had this random idea where GOT7 is Overwatch characters (don't judge) and I think this is gonna be chaos 😂. I guess you can call it a Markson AU...? Kinda ish?? If you don't like Overwatch just skip this chapter.

(Sorry I haven't been updating again! It's because I was on a trip!! So to make it up I made the chapter longer than usual!)

So let's get on with the story!

"Mark!! Mark!!!"

I opened my eyes and saw Pharah hovering over me. Wait Pharah??

I gasped, "Pharah?" but it wasn't exact her...

"Pharah?? Is that like supposed to be my girl name?" He laughed showing his wide grin.

"Jackson?? Hold on–" I looked around and saw the high tech and clean metal walls. "Where ar–"

"Save it for later! The round's about to start!!"

The female's voice echoed as it counted down. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Escort the payload."

"W-what??" I walked out and saw the other members of my group fighting on the battlefield.

It was D. Va or..... BamBam??

My jaw dropped. "What the hell is going on?!"

A big green robot threw a capsule down and created a barrier which protected the other characters.

I held a staff, wore gloves and had wings on my back. I gasped. I'm Mercy?! So that must mean...

I'm in the battlefield of Overwatch.

"I NEED HEALING!!!!" A quick and slender person went from place to place, rapidly shooting his guns.

I flew and healed him with my staff. Yugyeom smiled and ran towards the payload which was surrounded by other heros. "Thanks Mark!!"

What is even happening?

A single bullet was shot from above. With great accuracy it killed Solider 76 who was on the payload. And Sombra. And Zenyatta.

Above was Widowmaker sniping in her hiding place...

Or him.

Jinyoung looked through his scope and searched the area like a hawk. He mumbled with a slight smirk. "One shot, one kill."

BamBam was accompanied with another hero as they both pushed the team away from the payload. The healer held a shield as it helped to stop the bullets from Bastion hurting his team members.

He swung his Rocket Flail and knocked Bastion off the map.

"YAAAS YOUNGJAE!! LET'S GET IT!!" BamBam sent out rocket projectiles at the enemies in a frenzy.

Youngjae cheered and moved with the payload, throwing a small health pack to Orisa.

Until now, I didn't know that Orisa was actually Jaebum.

This was a dream come true!!!

The payload had reached its final checkpoint and our team was so close to winning.

Doing my best to heal my teammates, I flew from each and every one of them to make sure they were at full health.

"Jackson!! Is your ultimate ready?!" Yugyeom gritted his teeth as he was blown away by Junkrat. Jackson nodded and started to prepare himself.

I decided to do my ultimate too. I flew high in the sky and made sure all of my team members were healed.

"Heroes never die!!" I yelled triumphly.

Jackson sent tons of mini rockets down upon the enemies like a thunderstorm. It gave us just enough time for the payload to reach its destination.

"Victory." The woman's voice announced.

We all cheered. Of course, BamBam had to dab. (Even tho he said that dab is old, he still does it 😅) We all headed back to our spawn area but we called it headquarters.


"Great job everyone!" Jaebum congratulated his team. "We did great today."

Jinyoung sat on a chair, legs crossed and slowly nodded. "We did." Jinyoung's voice was monotoned as if he felt no emotion. "But BamBam kept shooting all of his bullets and made me miss all of my shots."

"Well, I'm sorry, but that's just how I fight." BamBam leaned back in his chair and drank his soda.

Jinyoung rolled his eyes. "It only takes one shot to kill your enemies." Jinyoung looked up and down at BamBam. "This isn't a place for children."

BamBam put his soda down. "Who are you calling a child, spiderface."

"They always do this after every battle..." Jackson muttered to me.

Jinyoung smirked. "Spiders are cool. They can easily kill their prey, they're dangerous, venomous, have eight legs–"

"But apparently not eight brain cells..." BamBam whispered with a smirk.

Yugyeom face palmed, knowing what'll happen next to his best friend. Youngjae started to brace himself.

It was the last straw for Jinyoung.

"COME HERE BRAT–" Jinyoung jumped to strangle the younger but Jaebum stopped him.

"Alright, you two, knock it off. Hearing both of you bicker makes the two of you sound like children."

Jinyoung scowled at the insult but he wasn't going to argue with the omnic.

Jackson and I giggled at their squabble. The two of us were sitting on the opposite side, our backs facing them.

His hand was on my waist and he pulled me closer to him. I held my breath, my face flushing at the sudden move.

"You alright?" He looked at me with concern. "In the beginning of the battle you seemed.. Different. Are you feeling okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah I'm alright." I was relieved that my voice didn't come out weak.

His grip was tight but yet relaxed, pulling me into a small and comfortable embrace. I leaned my head onto his shoulder, closing my eyes.

I felt his lips kiss my head, leaning his head onto mines.

The two maknaes sung, "Mark and Jackson sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!"

Jackson tried to stop them from singing but it only made them sing louder.

"Markson! Markson! Markson!" It echoed through my head.

"Markson! Markson! Mark..son! Mark....son!! Mark....! Mark!!"


"Mark!! Wake up!"

I jumped up and almost hit Jackson's forehead. We both flinched in unison.

"S-sorry.." I mumbled.

He smiled. "It's fine. We're going to go out to eat. Wanna come?"

Food after a nice nap sounded great. I nodded, stretching my arms.

"JB says that we're leaving at five so you have some time to wash up." He looked at my lips.

I blinked and felt drool on my chin. Embarrassed, my ears turned red and I wiped off the saliva.

He wasn't disgusted and just laughed. As soon as he walked out of the room I sadly plopped back down onto the bed with a sigh.

I wish that dream was real.....

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