Monster's First Love

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This is an AU where Yoongi is a Slayer and Hoseok is a Demon.


It's the full moon. That means we must kill the monsters that come out to eat us.

Werewolves chased me into the forest. This was such a bad decision. I lost my weapons and wasn't close to home. What kind of 12 year old goes slaying alone?!

Well... Me of course.

I ran faster, past the trees and bushes.

"Someone!! Help!!" I pleaded to no one.

Growls from the beasts inched closer. I had no choice but to climb very high up a tree. If I slipped I would fall to my death, but that's better than getting eating alive.

Their claws scratched on the bark. I had one last flare on me. I raised it and the fire flew into the sky making loud shrieks. Hopefully someone saw it.

The werewolves started climbing the tree, their eyes filled with hunger.

I winced and closed my ears. I never knew this is how it would end. I would become dog food...


Huh, that's strange. They should'v–


"Oh no..."

I started falling towards the ground.



I held my head waiting to feel impact, but I didn't feel anything.

I heard giggling and opened one eye. It was a boy a little taller than me. He had black hair, dark eyes, and his skin was milky white. He wore a hoodie, pants and shoes. He held me bridal style in his arms, a toothy grin on his face.

I blinked and was embarrassed. I couldn't hide the blush that was on my face.

"You okay? You're face is turning red."

I looked the other way and nodded. "You can put me down."

He helped me stand up and I wiped the dirt off my clothes and took the leaves out if my hair.

"Thanks by the way." I mumbled.

"No problem! You seemed to be in trouble so I had to help!" He proudly put his hands on his hips.

"How did you stop those werewolves?"

He tilted his head. "The usual way you'd kill things."

My eyes widened. "You're a Slayer too?"

His face, warm and friendly was now worried. He shook his head.

"No... I-I'm not... I just used m-my powers..."

Loud footsteps and torches appeared from behind me. I turned around to see a whole mob of Slayers, walking in the direction they saw the flare I sent.

I turned around and his face was twisted with fear. "A-are they after m-me?"

"What do you mean?" I tilted my head.

I stepped forwards but he flinched and backed away. Realization flooded over me.

"You don't mean... You're...."

"We found him!!" A Slayer yelled.

The Beast's pupils now red, he bared his sharp teeth.

"W-wait!! Don't attack!" I hollared but no one listened.

Arrows, spears, nets, daggers were thrown at him as he rushed out the woods. The Monster dropped something on the ground, but he didn't dare look back.

"Hold on!!" People pulled my arms and I got consumed by the mob.

I never got his name...

I reached down and grabbed whatever he dropped: A necklace.

One day we'll meet again.....

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