1.Hello Darkness

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{Kunugigaoka Junior High School, Japan}

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{Kunugigaoka Junior High School, Japan}

At the top of a hill, an abandoned facility, a group of students, an unknown dome enclosing all.

Sobs, wails, cries could be heard from the distressed group of teenagers. Each held a rubber knife close to their chests, embracing, comforting each other. Millions of what seemed to be fireflies surrounded them.

How can it be? Why did he have to die? Why were they not strong enough to save him? Why

So many unanswered questions. So many things they will never be able to do.

The fireflies slowly disappear, lulled by the quiet melody, they slowly go higher and higher in the sky. Merging with the stars, they soon, completely fade away. Only the faint memory of them remains. The painful yet bitter-sweet memory of their now-deceased teacher.

Is he happy where he is? Has he reunited with Yukimura-sensei? Will he still look over us?

So many things they can only guess.

This night, on the eve of their graduation day, class 3-E killed their homeroom teacher.


{Palermo, Sicily, Italy}

In a back alley, a tall man stood. He wore a simple black trench-coat, hunched over himself, he held his head with his left gloved hand. His white hair slowly swayed with the early morning's gentle breeze, his breathing was uneven and his eyes closed. 

A hand rested on his chest. "Damn," he muttered in a low voice, "not now."

Leaning against the nearest wall, he slowly fell to the ground, his left hand on his lap. Taking a quick glance at his watch, he could see his heartbeat getting uneven, faster and faster, "I'm sorry Ran-chan," he croakily whispered. His heart stopped. His limp body against the cold wall, he left this world.

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