13. Dispelling the Mist

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{Namimori, Japan}

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{Namimori, Japan}

"Of course, your package will be sent to mister Yamamoto's room within the briefest delay," the short female receptionist said, a kind smile on her face as she took the bag from the woman's hand.

The raven-haired lady, a small elegant smile on her face nodded. "I see, thank you very much," she replied, gently pushing her glasses up before giving a small bow. "Have a nice day."

With these parting words, the short-haired lady made her way out, the sound of her black high heels being the only sound resonating in the quiet hall. Although not far from her, lurking in the shadow, a small silhouette observed her every move, restless.

"Follow her, Dame-Tsuna," a voice ordered, in a whisper, loud enough for only Tsunayoshi to hear it.

The automatic doors slide open, letting the tall woman out of the healing facility. The lady only took a few steps before stopping her course, next to the round flower bed, sitting on one of the wooden bench surrounding it she waited. Her purple iris gazed at the sky in an attempt to remember something, to anticipate what was to come.

Not even a minute after she had exited the facility and sat on the bench did a teen emerged from the hospital, a small baby in a suit calmly sitting on his shoulder.

"E-excuse me!" Tsunayoshi shouted, as soon as he saw the black haired lady sitting on the bench.

The purple-eyed woman turned to him, her gaze familiar and foreign at the same time. A sense of déjà vu settled into Tsunayoshi's mind. Did they know each other?

"Ah," the girl only said in mild surprise at the sight of the teen, "Good afternoon Tsunayoshi, Reborn," she greeted, her voice mellow, making her seem like the cliché sheltered lady. Good background, good education, charismatic, the kind of people Tsunayoshi found intimidating.

But wait, did she call me by my name? Tsuna thought, his eyes widening at the realization.

"Ciaossu, it's been a while since we last talked to each other," Reborn greeted, jumping down from his pupil's shoulder and settling down in the raven's lap, disregarding his student's surprise.

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