8. Lighting a Fire

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{Vongola headquarter, Italy}

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{Vongola headquarter, Italy}

"Small trash in position," the raven muttered to no one in particular, a hand near his right ear as if he was holding an earpiece. To those watching him from afar, he only seemed to be brushing his raven bangs aside.

Next to him, hidden by the male's long black trench coat, a petite figure stared at the man with a deadpan look. Now I understand why I'm the one responsible for the communication, they thought, mentally rubbing their temples, already tired of the raven's company.

"Stop playing around," they whispered, giving Yucca a small kick in the legs. "We didn't come here to play." he lectured, his tone sterner.

"Ouch," Yucca winced at the unexpected kick, faking a stumble over the rock he had, just passed. He hadn't pegged Mammon for being violent, then again they weren't there to play. Taking a deep breath, Yucca plastered his perfect business on his face, no sign of his previous actions could be, seen.

At this moment, Yucca wasn't part of the Varia. He wasn't there to take over the Vongola and free the responsible of the infamous Cradle Affair Xanxus. At this moment, Yucca was only a freelance assassin the Vongola had hired to infiltrate the Varia and report their action to them. Right now, Yucca was the Vongola's ally, someone they could believe in, someone they trusted.

"Follow my lead, Mammon," he murmured imperceptibly, calmly making his way towards the Vongola's manor entrance.

Today, like every first Friday of the month, Yucca personally came to the mansion to give his reports and sometimes have a direct audition with the Ninth.

Glancing at his wristwatch, he could see from the corner of his eyes, the driver who had led him out of the Varia headquarter to the Vongola following behind, a few meters away from him. Enough to give the male his "intimacy," but also enough to allow Mammon to go unnoticed.

After all, even though the driver was part of the Vongola, he wasn't hired for his detection skills, sure he could fight and fend for himself like every member of the Vongola, but compared to Mammon who had years of experience in the infiltration domain, he didn't stand a chance. It was painfully obvious. What's more, it seemed Mammon had a few tricks up their sleeve which allowed them to hide from almost anybody.

Or so Mammon pretended, Yucca wasn't there to judge, so long as the plan worked, he wouldn't question Mammon's techniques. It was normal for a hitman to have a few skills nobody but them and a selected few knew they had. Yucca and even Koro weren't different, in their world, it was better to be safe than sorry.

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