Koro's future Choice

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{Varia headquarter, Italy}

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{Varia headquarter, Italy}

"Gesso Famiglia," Yucca muttered under his breath as he neared the letter's, he was holding in his hands, end.

Reclining into his seat, in front of his study, he let himself ponder about his younger brother's words. To leave the Vongola, more precisely the Varia, and to join the Gesso Famiglia instead, now that was something he didn't see every day.

The Gesso Famiglia was a new up and coming Mafia group. Its first apparition being in Italy before they started to spread everywhere around the globe. In less than a month, their actions began to circulate in the underworld network before their name was on every renown Godfather's lips.

Of course, the Vongola Famiglia wasn't spared, as the most renowned Famiglia, they received the information before everyone else. Keeping a close eye on them, they didn't envision the possibility of the Gesso directly reaching for one of their top members.

But well, did they expect one of their best hitmen to be directly related to the Gesso's Boss?

An amused simper appeared on Yucca's lips. Folding his letter and putting it back in its envelope, Yucca gently pulled his usually locked drawer open before putting the message in it and closing it.

It had been a while since Ran, and he had last contacted each other. With the younger growing up and, apparently starting his "business" while Yucca grew more and more busy with the never-ending orders from the top, both siblings drifted from one another. Although, they renewed the contact just as quickly as they did.

Pleased to have received some news from his brother, although not the type he expected the most, Yucca went down to the shared room. He still had a few things to do before going on his missions, as for the Gesso Famiglia matters he would think about it more once done. In what, a week maybe?


{Vongola headquarter, Italy}

"Good evening, Decimo," Yucca greeted, as he entered the young Don's office. His usual grin on his face, he casually went up to the brown-haired boy's study.

"I heard you wanted to talk to me, Yucca," Tsunayoshi addressed voice calm. "Is it something you can't tell Xanxus perhaps?" He guessed aloud, a comforting smile on his face.

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