17. Failing a Second Revolution

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{Namimori, Japan}

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{Namimori, Japan}

Xanxus froze, Tsunayoshi had frozen him with the Zero Point Breakthrough. The same way the Ninth had done before during the Cradle Affair eight years ago.

But, this was without counting on Mammon's genius. Vongola rings in hand, they, lit a strong dying will flame. Stronger even than the one they had used to free Xanxus before with the Gola Mosca as a medium.

In the blink of an eye, Tsunayoshi's hard work melted. Xanxus was free. The rings weren't in their hands anymore all their fighting power had been, drained out of them.

"I'm sorry, Tsunayoshi," Yucca whispered, crouching next to the brown-haired teen. "But I think this doesn't belong to you," he said, gently taking the sky ring and handing it to Bel. "No hard feelings yeah?"

With half-lidded eyes, Tsunayoshi glared at Yucca. "Now, now, don't be like that. I kept my promise. I didn't kill any of them."



"See? I told you so?" Yucca stated voice mellow as he stood up. His eyes trailed along the teens' figure, momentarily stopping on those he fought and softening at the sight of those who reminded him of his students before he turned around. Ignoring, their presence.

"Looks like everybody's here to witness the birth of a new boss," Belphegor said chuckling as he slowly put the sky ring on his boss' finger.

At the sight, Yucca couldn't help the small smile from adorning his face. Ah, at last, our hard work has paid off. I'll finally be able to go on a vacation.

But before Yucca could get lost in his daydreams, the Varia's shout brought him back to reality. Yucca's eyes snapped in Xanxus' direction. His boss laid on the ground, unmoving and covered in blood. That was not part of the plan.

Purple eyes narrowed, Yucca listened to what everyone was saying. Collecting every information about his boss' predicament, he walked up to him, crouched down and tried to procure him basic first aid. He didn't think he would regret not looking for Leviathan, Lussuria maybe, but not Levi. Having more hands to help would have been a good thing.

"Don't touch me, trash," Xanxus snarled, shoving Yucca aside. "This is nothing," he growled.

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