Alternative Target: R.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N

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{Namimori, Japan}

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{Namimori, Japan}

Beginning of the Sky battle.

"That was easy," Yucca muttered, cloud ring in hand as he moved his previously numbed arm back and forth in an attempt to make it less unresponsive.

Now in total control of his body, Yucca silently slipped the ring into one of his coat's inner pocket before he let his purple orbs rest on the teen's ragged figure.

Hibari's breathing was, battered and his eyes closed as he attempted to let his immune system dispel the drug. Yucca was pensive, should he help the teen evacuate the poison or leave him alone and join his boss and the others.

"We'll obliterate them."

No, helping the teen was out of the question. It went against his boss' goal. Now was the final battle, there would be no second chance. The Vongola would be on their case without a doubt. A second Cradle Affair wasn't something they would let pass.

Yucca sighed, calmly walking toward the lying teen. Crouching down, he let one of his hand push Hibari's stray bangs back as his other hand went behind his back. "Don't worry. I'll make it end," he whispered gently, "I'll take care of it." 

At the sound of the older male's voice, Kyoya stirred, trying to open his eyes and resist."Shhh," Yucca said, "I have been beside you from the moment you were born." he recited in a calm voice, almost like a prayer.


"Fear not, the name 'death.'"


Everyone's eyes turned to the cloud monitor's direction. A gasp escaped the youngest girls' lips as they brought their hands to their mouth. Shock overwhelmed them, no words were said.

The vision of Hibari Kyoya's lifeless body was enough to haunt them for the rest of their lives.

"Ahhhh, it's been so long since I last said that," Yucca's voice resonated through the room, making their eyes snap in his direction. "How nostalgic," he muttered a wry smile on his face.

Pushing his bangs back with his left gloved hand, he let his eyes trail to the camera in the far corner.

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