7. Calm before the Storm

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{Varia headquarter, Italy}

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{Varia headquarter, Italy}

A year later


"There, I sent it," Yucca stated as he stretched, peeking behind him, he could see the whole Varia observing him.

A predatory grin adorned Squalo's face, "Good job small trash." he said patting the raven head's back a few times.

Yucca only hummed absentmindedly. It's been six months since Yucca started to lie about the Varia's condition to Iemitsu. Why? To make the Vongola let their guard down and allow the Varia to strike. This report was the last before the Varia starts to, thoroughly plan their upcoming moves.

"Ushishishi, I guess you were useful Yu," Bell stated.

A small smile graced Yucca's face at the younger's remark.


"Voiiii! Listen to me!" Squalo ordered, his fist slamming the table a few times to gain the other members' attention. "We're going to free the boss!" he announced, provoking his comrades' excitement.

Levi grunted, approving of the younger male's words. Freeing the Boss had always been on his top to do list. From his point of view, waiting until now was foolish, they could have released him sooner if they had tried.

"Listen up Scums, here's the plan!" Squalo announced, giving out files to each member about how they would proceed. "The small trash will do the first move" he stated.

"No," Levi grunted, earning the others' attention. "I don't trust him to do this alone. What if he betrays us? I won't take the risk the boss has waited long enough to be freed." he stated flatly.

The target to these accusations didn't say anything, only observed the older male for a few seconds before sighing and passing a hand through his raven locks.

"I can stay here if it makes you feel better," Yucca uttered, finally breaking the silence and tension. This time he was the center of everyone's attention. "I don't want Levi-chan" Levi growled, "there to mess up because he's thinking about me," he stated cockily, unmistakably intending to provoke the pierced man.

"What did you say?" Leviathan snarled, Yucca merely smirked in response, further enraging the male.

"Now now, Yucca-chan, Levi-chan let's all get along alright?" Lussuria coaxed, "We wouldn't want the mission to fail because of the both you, right?" he threatened, his tone unusually low as his shades glinted under the artificial lighting.

"Voiii! Shut up trashes!" Squalo exclaimed annoyed. "I did the plan, so I give the orders. Now listen up Scums!" he said, his gaze sweeping over the assembled members for any, type of defiance. Satisfied, he continued.

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