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{???, Japan}

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{???, Japan}

Koro stood baffled, hidden behind one of the trees, he motionlessly stared as the Simon family effortlessly took the Ninth's men out. He knew the group wasn't as defenseless as they seemed, but for them to be so strong and ruthless, he really needed to revise his standards.

Keeping his breathing as quiet as possible, Koro stood in the shadow, calculating his next moves. Well, the men who went after the Simon had passed their prime, if he took it this way it wasn't as impressive anymore. 

What's more, judging from the turn things had taken, the Simon Famiglia had most probably been stated as an enemy of the Vongola, a war following the statement wouldn't be surprising. Therefore, logically thinking, if he attacked them, he wouldn't be breaching any peace treaty.

Taking a deep breath, he was about to attack the Simon or at least intercept them when his purple eyes met the glasses wearing male's own. He paused, an unfamiliar chill running down his spine. This man wasn't to take lightly. He was dangerous, more so than Enma if he believed his instinct. 

Yucca frowned, his staring contest with the male not being interrupted by either of them. The white's scowl deepened as he saw the younger boy smirk. Not Mukuro, even the mist wasn't as annoying as the goatee bearing male. This realization made the eerily familiar feeling all the more unnerving, was he the same as them? Did he too cheat death at least once?

The fedora-wearing male was about to say something when his busty friend, Adelheid called out to him. "Come, Julie, we are moving."

The raven head, now dubbed as Julie, laughed before nodding. He sent the girl a flirty remark, sparring Yucca one last glance.

The last thing the cloud saw before fainting was the raven's lips moving.

"Sleep well, Yucca," Julie's lips morphed into a smile. "Send Mukuro my best regards."


{Inheritance ceremony hall, Japan}

Purple eyes blinked open, the natural light coming through the windows blinding them. Bringing a hand to rub his forehead, Koro slowly sat up.

"What happened," he muttered, his eyes scanning the room he was in.

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