20. Two Sides of The Same Coin

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{Vongola base, Japan}

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{Vongola base, Japan}

"Something's been bugging me," Lal Mirch said as she sipped her drink. Her eyes darted from Tsunayoshi to Hayato before continuing. "How did you manage to survive within the forest, alone without being attacked once?" she questioned. "From what I could tell when I met you, your guard wasn't particularly, raised, and your skills weren't enough to fight off a Strau Mosca, I'm surprised they didn't notice you with your Vongola rings too."

The statement gained Reborn and Yamamoto's attention, who, were also sitting in the dining room.

"A-ah well," Tsuna stuttered under the three adult's gazes. "I- we met someone else," he admitted scratching his head bashfully.

Lal's eyes widened. "Who?" she asked, her voice going up. She hadn't felt anyone else's presence when she encountered the two kids and from the pensive frown adorning Yamamoto's face, she guessed, he too hadn't met anyone other than them in the forest.

Tsuna flinched slightly at the sudden outburst. Seeing his boss and friend in an uncomfortable situation, Gokudera decided to intervene. "It's Yucca dammit. The Varia's cloud guardian, no need to screech woman," he declared.

"No." Reborn interrupted. "Lal Mirch is right, you don't know who to trust yet," sipping his expresso he continued. "What's more, I don't remember us receiving any information about the Varia sending their Cloud to Japan. From what I heard the Varia is quite 'occupied' in Italy at the moment. They wouldn't send him without reason."

"That's not good," Takeshi muttered, his voice low.

The three visitors from the past turned to the rain guardian. Takeshi and Lal's expressions were serious, more so than when they first explained the Vongola's current situation.

"It would have been okay, had it been any other member of the Varia. But, Yucca's not in the Varia anymore," Takeshi confessed, looking up. "He joined the Gesso Famiglia and the Millefiore per extension a while ago. He received an invitation from the Gesso's boss and quitted the Vongola soon after. "

"Wh-what do you mean?" Tsuna asked incredulously, not wanting to believe what the older guardian told him.

"He defected, from the Varia, he's a traitor. Simple." Lal stated harshly.

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