3. Taking an Infiltration Mission

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{???, Italy}

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{???, Italy}

In a small office sat a tall blond man, bearded chin resting on his cross hands he kept his brown eyes closed, waiting for his guest. This man was the "Vongola Consigliere" also known as Sawada Iemitsu, the Young Lion of the Vongola. A bald man stood tall next to him, in a suit, his eyes narrowed, he listened intently into his earpiece.

Bending, he whispered a few words into his boss' ear, earning him a low hum before straightening once again. Shoulders slightly tense, his right hand hovered over his gun as he stared intently at the door.

His boss, whose eyes were now open took a more regal stance his aura emitting more power and authority than before as they trailed onto the door in front of him. A few seconds later a soft knock was heard before the door unlocked, and a raven head came in.

"Good morning." the male said in a clear voice, a perfect business smile etched on his face as he gave a small bow in Iemitsu's direction before nodding in his subordinate's to show he acknowledged him.

Iemistu's eyes narrowed imperceptibly, as he took in the ravenette's whole appearance before sending him his, own business smile. "Yucca, right?" he asked before continuing. "It has come to my attention that you had yet to affiliate yourself to any organization," he stated, "I presume it is still the case."

Yucca's smile stretched as his right, gloved hand which hid behind his back gave an imperceptible twitch.

Ah, am I this much of nuisance or do they want to "deepen" our bonds, he wondered silently.

"Your information is right, as expected of the Vongola Famiglia," he stated, his eyes narrowing slightly. "what else would you like to know?" he inquired, his guard rising a bit as he gave the bald man, a glance.

"How many foreign languages do you know?" the CEDEF's Boss asked flatly, stunning the other male in the process as he wasn't prepared for this type of question before he recomposed himself and answered, his tone as cherry as it was when he first came into the room.

"Enough to meet any of my client's requirements" he evaded, with a closed eyes-smile, "I see..." Iemitsu trailed off, "in other words?"

Yucca's smile faltered before regaining its previous composure, he didn't want to reveal all of his cards without a proper reason, "I don't know how many to be honest," his voice went down as he started to think, "I've lost count of how many I could speak." he admitted with fake shyness.

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