18. Where Does Your Loyalty Lie?

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{Vongola headquarter, Italy}

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{Vongola headquarter, Italy}

Getting into a more comfortable position, Yucca leaned in his seat. His face casually resting on his hand as he waited for the Ninth and his Consigliere to start their interrogation.

The aura Yucca gave out, like all the precedent Varia members before him, didn't resemble one of someone who could get killed for treason. Yucca looked completely relaxed. His purple orbs contained no trace of guiltiness as a small smile played on his lips.

Contrary to Yucca whose whole demeanor had relaxed at the mention of his interrogation officially beginning, the guards stationed in the room, Iemitsu and the Ninth had straightened their posture. Reflecting the gravity of the situation and giving off a more severe and intimidating feeling. Although to someone coming from the Varia this was nothing.

Like his predecessor, Yucca's smile only widened in unhidden mockery and provocation at the display of strength his interrogators were presenting.

Clearing his throat, Timoteo asked the first question. "We won't talk about the rings' battle yet," he stated as his eyes gazed firmly into Yucca's one. "We will first go back to when you joined the Varia."

Yucca's composure didn't waver. Such questions were to be, expected. After all, contrary to the other Varia member, Yucca was first and foremost a hitman personally hired by the Consigliere to look over them. The fact that he had changed board wouldn't be left unattended.

"Did you plan to join the Varia even before the mission?"

The question was simple and concise. Hearing it, Yucca simply nodded in disagreement, his eyes traveling to Iemitsu's figure who seemed to write something down. Most probably my answers, Yucca guessed.

"Then why did you join them? When did you join them?" Iemitsu continued the interrogation.

"To say I joined them, I suppose I did so maybe half a year, a year after the beginning of the infiltration. Once I started to know the members better," he mused. "Although from my point of view I became a real part of the group once the Boss was out. Before I was under a trial period, you could say."

The sound of Iemitsu's pen scratching the paper at the mention of Xanxus was, heard but Yucca dismissed it entirely. Going back to, answering the previous questions.

"As to why I joined them..." Yucca paused, his thoughts going back to the time he started to sympathize with the Varia. "I realized their ideas weren't so bad and that I could somehow understand them. Identify some parts of me in them. So, since I didn't have anything to lose I thought: why not have a go with them?" Yucca exclaimed, his voice tinted with childishness as the usually composed male began to make grand gestures to illustrate his point of view. "So I gave it a shot. So far I don't particularly regret it. I only had rewarding experiences."

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