29. Conflict of Interest

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"At least he called my name," the white head whispered his voice a blend of distress and anguish. 


{Varia headquarter, Italy}

An invitation to Sawada Tsunayoshi's inheritance ceremony, Yucca mused, laying on his bed as his right hand held the golden envelope. In his other hand was the official invitation.

Two days had passed since his small trip to Japan. The atmosphere in the mansion remained almost as tense as before. Although the hostility wasn't as evident as it used to be, the enmity Mammon displayed seemed to grow as the others' seemingly faded. It was a strange contrast. Usually, the mist guardian was more withdrawn, mysterious. Keeping their emotion in check and only adding some snarky comments or betting money when they felt like it.

At first, the cloud didn't understand where this hostility was coming from. From the memories he received, he didn't interact with Mammon a lot. He didn't talk to them at all even. Only caught a glimpse of their face before he died at most and even then he wasn't sure. Perhaps, he hadn't received all of his future memories. He heaved another sigh. 

He missed the days where he had to take care of class 3-E. At least then, even if they all had teens problem, he could somehow relate, understand and help them solve them. As a bonus, it wasn't anything life-threatening. How peaceful his life seemed when he thought about it, well if you exclude the sword of Damocles hanging above his head... that was a detail anyway. No use dwelling over it.

Now, back to Mammon's case. The aura the small guardian had been giving off every time their path crossed didn't help the raven's case. After the well deserved night of rest, Yucca understood he was suspected of treason. From what the future him did, it was a reasonable claim. But the hatred the caped being was openly directing at him somehow unnerved him.

He wasn't so sure of his rehabilitation into the Varia anymore. Whatever the investigation on him said, Mammon's word would probably wipe every favorable evidence for him to go back to the Varia. Being the mist guardian wasn't some sparkly title, Mammon had some real power within the organization.

He rubbed the bridge of his nose, the letter and envelope he previously held rested on his bedside table. "What did he do to Mammon?" This question had been running inside his mind for the past days.

He couldn't possibly ask the said person. Every time he got near them, the temperature dropped a few degrees, only getting colder as he got closer to the small guardian. The cloud was sure he saw Mammon creating some illusions when he turned his back to them. If not for Squalo unceremoniously barging in the kitchen, he was certain he would have had to fight, somehow.

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