15. Behind the Scenes

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"Are we going to kill them, Koro-chan?" a tall white-haired male asked the laying raven head.

Koro opened his black eyes, staring intently at the male's purple ones. "If we have to, then we will."

The purple-eyed boy tilted his head to the side curiously, eyes blinking owlishly at the older man. Finally, his face broke into a childish grin as he let a laugh escape his lips. "You're so funny Koro-chan!"

Koro looked at the younger boy seriously, a small frown adorning his face. "I'm serious, Yucca. I won't hesitate," he stated firmly.

Yucca broke into another laughing fit, tears forming at the corners of his eyes as he tried to regulate his breathing.

Koro remained impassible at the sight of the laughing boy.

"Seriously, Koro-chan," Yucca called out, between small pants. "Don't take me for a fool," he said, his voice losing all trace of its previous childishness.

Koro's frowned deepened, his guard raising slightly at the turn of event. It didn't matter how "close" he and Yucca were, he didn't trust him. His guts were telling him Yucca wasn't as naive as he seemed, this now only further confirmed it.

"You and I share the same mind, Koro-chan. I know everything about you," Yucca declared, his voice giving off an eerie feeling. "Your feelings, your habits, your life, past, and present. You can't hide from me."

Koro didn't answer he knew Yucca wasn't lying. But it frustrated him to no end how Yucca had access to everything within his mind while he couldn't even catch a glimpse of Yucca's memories.

"I am you, and you are me. From the moment your consciousness fused with mine, we became one," Yucca stated calmly, a small smile adorning his face as he affectionately looked at Koro. 

Koro sighed, "Then how come we are talking together right now?"

Yucca's smile dropped, getting replaced by a contemplative look as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Maybe so that I can reunite with Ran-chan?" he asked, tilting his head to the side childishly.


{Tokyo, Japan}

"We have arrived, sir," the taxi driver called out, trying to wake the raven head up.

Yucca stirred, slowly blinking his purple eyes, he rested them on the driver's figure before breaking into his signature business smile. "Thank you," a yawn. "How much will it be?"

Taking out some cash, Yucca paid for the taxi before going out of the car and stretching. The plan was to go to the hospital, pick Lussuria and Squalo up before going back to Namimori for the sky battle.

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