36. Teaching in Namimori

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{Namimori, Japan}

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{Namimori, Japan}

Thoughtlessly humming some random tunes, Koro dried his white locks, his purple eyes going over his latest downloaded files on Namimori Junior high. Pulling strings hadn't been difficult and after a few calls, emails and messages, Koro found his transfer to Namimori-chu as William Jones quickly accepted and approved off.

The excited grin never left his lips as he tossed the files on his bed before going back to the bathroom. He had some lenses to put on and his "teaching suit" to dress with.

Blinking a few times in front of the glass, as to get used to the new light blue colored lenses, Koro gently tousled his hair before reaching for a fake pair of glasses. Taking hold of his previously done case he made his way out of his bedroom. His battle watch and rings were in place as he reached for a dark blue blazer.

He didn't bother talking to the other guardians, most were asleep, half asleep, or couldn't be bothered. Walking down the hotel's stairs, he caught a glimpse of a blond curly haired male, he smirked. Seems like team Reborn had the same idea.

Not making himself known to the Don, he instead merged into the masses, becoming unnoticeable (as much as he could with his not so Asian features,) he strode to Namimori Junior high. The faces of those kids when they'll see him, he couldn't wait.


"Ah, Professor Jones! It has been a while," the chairman greeted as he stood up from his seat, going to shake the newcomer's hand.

'Professor Jones' smiled amiably, returning the man's greeting with as much vigor, he didn't spare the dumfounded male sitting on one of the couches any attention. Nyurufufu, such a ridiculous face.

A throat clearing itself was heard as the chairman suddenly seemed to regain consciousness of his surrounding. "A-ah, right you haven't met yet have you?" he rhetorically asked as he went back to a more professional demeanor, taking his hand back, his gaze flickered to the blond. "Professor Jones, here," he introduced, gesturing to the white head, "once came to gauge our school's work, he's very popular with the students," he paused, once again looking at the blond before grinning. "A bit like you Dino-sensei!" he exclaimed.

Dino, keeping on his boss smile didn't seem bothered, standing up he went up to the white head. "I'm Dino-sensei, you can call me Dino," he greeted, although a bit awkwardly as he didn't fully expect the situation.

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