5. Becoming the "small trash"

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{Varia headquarter, Italy}

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{Varia headquarter, Italy}

In his room, only the sound of the keyboard clicking could be, heard.

Click, click, click

Yucca silently tipped his report. As asked by Iemitsu, he would report the Varia's weekly activities, daily if their movements were too suspicious, every time on Monday between 10.00 p.m and 11.00 p.m. At the moment, Yucca's computer indicated 8.24 p.m. He still had some time to report, but it was always better to work ahead of time, he could always add some changes later on.

Still, the silence was a bit unsettling.

Finishing his last sentence about how as of now none of the Varia's traps were active anymore, Yucca leaned into his chair and passed a hand through his damp raven locks. He would continue later, the silence, was killing him and he didn't like it.

Standing up, he closed his computer and put some of his personal belongings away, before taking the two wet towels lying on his bed and hanging them in the connected bathroom.

Thump, thump, thump

From where he was, Yucca could faintly decipher the sound of foot stomping. Ah, the Varia isn't dead, they are still here. He thought a bit relieved.

Thump, Thump, Thump

Wait, why were these steps getting closer? Confusion slowly crept into Yucca's brain, did they have something to do with him? Had they renounced on setting traps for him? Did they switch to more direct tactics? Was his smugness responsible for his soon to be, death? Many unanswered questions swirled into his mind, as his left-hand swiftly caught a dagger placed on his desk. Bringing his hand behind his back, he waited apprehensively for the Varia to come and try to kill him.

There it comes, gripping his dagger tighter, he narrowed his eyes, adopting a casually hidden fighting stance.


"Voiiii!" Squalo shouted, slamming Yucca's door room open, not caring about the person inside of it. "Come with me you small trash," he tried to minimize his insult's impact., "I'm going to train. Spar with me!" he ordered before turning around and making his way down the corridor, not waiting for the male to answer him.

"Small trash?" Yucca muttered, confusion evident in his voice as he observed the white-haired man go out of his room. And did the vice-captain say sparing? Was this a new type of assassination?

"Voiii, mini scum, are you coming?" Squalo yelled, irritated.

Mini scum? What the hell, was going on with the noisy male? Yucca mentally shook his head as he hesitantly followed the white head down the corridor to the training ground in the basement.

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