22. A Choice for My Dearest

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Question: What do you think Koro's animal box weapon is?

Question: What do you think Koro's animal box weapon is?

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{Millefiore's private jet}

Reclining on his immaculate quilted seat, Yucca hummed some random tunes. His left hand gently combing his brother's white locks as the said male laid on his lap, while his other held a stack of paper with multiple battles strategy.

The file was, neatly arranged, in alphabetic order to make the lecture easier, each step to beat the enemy was cleverly explained. From the best way to breath to the tempo you should adopt or favored weapon to use, every detail was recorded down.

Yucca had to wonder how his dear brother managed to gather all of this information. But then again, it was his Ran-chan's work, of course, it was awesome. What did he expect?

Currently rereading the Vongola's files, Yucca's usual childish grin was, replaced by a chilly calculative one his eyes glinting a cold orange color every time he went through another profile. Envisioning the battle to come unquestionably sent his blood pumping, he couldn't wait to, finally make himself useful to his dearest.

At the thought, a brilliant grin flashed through his face. His purple eyes crinkled in joy, he looked down at his little brother's face adoringly. "Did I ever tell you how much I loved you, Ran-chan?" he whispered lovingly.

A low hum emanated from the young white-head as he let one of his purple eyes crack open, his grin stretched, matching his brother's own. "Of course you did, Yucca-nii. But you can tell me more!"

Yucca's eyes softened considerably, stroking his brother's hair a few times he nodded. "Of course, Ran-chan deserves only the best after all."

Beaming, Byakuran went back to nuzzling his head into his brother's stomach, savoring this bonding moment before the Choice battle and his advent as the ruler of every dimension.

His day couldn't have been better.

A few seats away, Byakuran's guardians observed the scene. Each more hype than the other for the upcoming battle and opportunity to make themselves useful to their leader.


{???, ???}

"Now," Byakuran announced standing in front of a monitor. "Let's send our guests an invitation, shall we?"

On cue, the transmitter lit up. From where the Millefiore stood, they could discern their opponents' faces. Most of them wore suits, although some guardians seemed to be missing, Yucca didn't take any note of it instead, trying to gauge who would be the funniest to beat.

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