19. A Favor for Ran-chan

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Ten years later

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Ten years later.

{Millefiore main base, ???}

Knock Knock

"Come in." a raven-haired man called out.

Opening the door, a tall white-haired male was, revealed. Purple meets purple as the two men stared intently at each other, searching for something within the other's gaze. A sense of familiarity, for one, acknowledgment for the other.

Finally, the tattooed male broke into a smile. "Yucca-nii-chan!" he beamed. "It's great, to have you back, I missed you!" he declared, engulfing the older male in an embrace.

Yucca hummed, an adoring look adorning his face as he gently patted his brother's head. "Yeah, me too. Although I was always here you know?" he confessed bashfully.

The younger boy nodded his head absentmindedly, not, really listening to his brother who shook his head in defeat.

"Anyway, Ran-chan, what can I help you with?" Yucca inquired as he detached himself from his brother's embrace to ruffle his spiky white locks lovingly.

Ran purred, enjoying the feeling of his brother, ruffling his hair. "Well, I have a favor to ask of you," he began. "or of him for all it matters," Ran muttered, his voice dripping with hate and disgust.

"Don't be so hard on him, Ran-chan." Yucca tried to reason, his voice coaxing, "I owe him my life after all."

Ran huffed, clearly annoyed by his older brother's point of view. To him, instead of "saving" his brother, this man took Yucca away from him. Because of him, instead of seeing his brother whenever he wanted, he had to deal with this pitiful copy most of the time. Ran frowned, his mood turning sour as he began to focus on that man.

Mentally shaking his head, Ran pouted. "Don't talk about him, brother. I don't like it," he whined childishly. "You should only focus on me when I'm here."

"Sure thing, Ran-sama." Yucca chuckled, sitting on the room's couch and patting his lap. His eyes full of unhidden obsession as he looked at his brother.

Ran complied, smiling, to his silent request and laid his head on his brother's lap. Extending his hand up to his brother's head, Ran played with his brother's raven locks.

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