37. Caught in a Storm

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{Namimori, Japan}

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{Namimori, Japan}

Yucca's smile twitched slightly, eyebrows knitted, he disdainfully starred at the blond in front of him. Although the intel he collected on the male was reliable, he didn't expect him to be so... clumsy.

No, clumsy wasn't enough to describe the usually goofy looking Don. No word could and Yucca found himself confused as to whether he should respect the man for it or mock him instead. Even though he, himself was pitiful at times in his past life, he didn't think someone just as pitiable would appear in his new one.

He sighed, gently combing his white locks, his blue eyes flickered to his battle watch where the remaining time for the battle was displayed. He didn't have the time to play around with the Don in front of him, he had to hunt the Boss-watches bearers quick.

Dodging another curvy and rather weak and unfocused whip attack, the guardian let a disappointed sigh escape his lips. If at least he was a cute girl with huge bossoms, although he would have wanted to puke, his eyes at least would be salvaged. But now, to see Dino tangled in his own whip as if the two of them were engaged in some bondage activity... it wasn't exciting at all. They weren't in this type of relationship.

Heaving another sigh, the white head decided to close his eyes a few seconds, cutting all of the blond's cries off before opening them once more, his perfectly fake smile adorning his innocent mask. "Well, then Dino-sensei," he paused, smile turning into a smirk as he refrained himself from mocking the blond any further. "I will be taking my leave first, do not forget to go home," he reminded, turning around before shutting the door. Pulling a "do not disturb" sign out of nowhere he placed it on the handle.

Now to find some of the teens, his eyes glinted a deep purple, small orange particles hidden underneath the deep violet color.


Following the explosions will be a good start.


"Your team is full of people I really want to bite to death," Hibari stated, a smirk on his face as his grey eyes eagerly stared at his preys. Taking part in this representative battle or whatever it was called definitely was a great idea.

So many annoying herbivores, carnivores-wannabe and ferocious opponent to bite to death, his eyes glinted in anticipation as he refrained the excited shiver from running down his spine. He couldn't wait for his hunt, fighting the strong baby only came as a bonus.

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