21. Double Game

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{???, ???}

"They don't belong there," the white-haired male pouted, purple eyes staring into his companion's black ones. "Not sending them back was a mistake." He paused before shaking his head, "No, allowing them to come in the first place was an error." He declared, unusually serious.

"Then what about me? Us?" the raven head retorted, a challenging glint in his eyes. "You too, don't you think we should be dead?"

Yucca paused, lips pursed he let a frown adorn his features at his counterpart's remark. "Altering the future comes with a cost," he said, ignoring the previous question. "I may see its course when I get closer to my end, but to grasp it fully requires more time. Even Ran-chan has problems doing so."

Koro looked at the younger male unimpressed. "I lived without knowing it my whole former life. It doesn't matter."

Yucca didn't answer, his lips forming a tight line as he glared at the other.

"Even without those, we can survive." Koro reassured, "How many time do you think we escaped death's clutches?"

Yucca sighed as he let a small smile form on his face.


{Millefiore main base, ???}

Sitting up from his laying position, Yucca stretched. A small yawn escaping his lips as his half-lidded purple eyes scanned his room. Blinking a few more time to chase the sleepiness out of his system, Yucca pulled his cover aside and got out of his bed.

Making his way to his dresser, he pulled out his custom-made white spell uniform. Embroidered on his chest, next to the white spell crest was a small yucca flower made out of creamy white threads. Discreet, Yucca had added it after his younger brother's request, to make it more unique, or so he had said.

Gently rubbing the flower with his forefinger, he combed his hair before exiting his sleeping quarters.

A bit less than two weeks passed since their encounter with the young Vongola. Since then, nothing happened. Although Yucca guessed something was brewing behind the scenes, this on both the Millefiore's and Vongola's side. It was the calm before the storm as they said.

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