First Kiss (Creek)

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Hello again! I don't know why did I decide to write another book because I already have two other books to finish. No one asked for this but I wanted to write it.

Enjoy this shit!


Narrator's POV

Since the whole thing of the "yaoi fanarts" of them, Tweek and Craig (as you already know) were "dating". Their relationship was nothing more than friendship, but to keep the city happy they just had to hold hands sometimes and hang out together. It wasn't a bad thing at all.

Both of them really enjoyed each other's presence and they considered each other as "super best friends", just like Kyle and Stan, but something suddenly changed.

Tweek didn't accept to fake a relationship with Craig at first, but now he was the one who started feeling something more than mere friendship.

Tweek started to notice some little things about Craig, like his beautiful blue eyes, his cute laugh and the way he seemed to truly enjoy the time the two spent together.

As we all know, Tweek gets nervous and anxious easily, so he couldn't make a move even if he wanted to. All he and Craig did until now was hold hands give pet names to each other and hug sometimes, but he wanted more than this. At the moment, he wanted to kiss Craig so bad, but he wasn't brave enough to do it by himself, so he asked his friends for help.

It was a Monday at school and Tweek was talking to Stan and Kyle, who started dating a few days before (yep, I ship Style).

"Do you have any ideia of how to tell Craig?" Kyle asked.

Tweek shook his head in disappointment.

"What are you feeling for him right now?"

"I-I... I don't know... w-when he is a-around I feel... my h-heart beat faster a-and I g-get nervous a-and..." he smiled a little and a light blush appeared on his cheeks.

"So... How d-did you two get t-together?" Tweek asked.

"Well... I just decided to show Kyle everything I was feeling for him."

Kyle giggled and held his boyfriend's hand.


"I kissed him when we were watching a movie." Stan said proudly as Kyle's face got deep red.

"I-I can't k-kiss Craig! W-What if he r-rejects me??!" Tweek practically yelled.

"Shut up fags! You guys can be gay later!" Cartman yelled from somewhere.

"Shut up fatass!!" Kyle yelled.

"Dude, Craig won't reject you. I'm sure he likes you too. All you have to do is wait for the perfect moment and you can make a move! We believe in you!" Stan said.

Then, Craig entered the school and wrapped a hand around Tweek's waist, making him gasp.

"Hi babe." He said.


Kyle and Stan looked at each other and just left, leaving the two alone.

"Wanna come over after school? We can watch a movie or play some video games."


"Ok. See you later hun!"

"Y-Yeah... see ya.." Tweek said with his face almost all red. He knew this was his opportunity to kiss Craig and he was trying to not freak out.

*Time skip to after school because I'm lazy*

Tweek's POV

I WAS FREAKING OUT. I know I'm always all anxious but this time I was seriously freaking out. Craig and I were walking together, holding hands.

We were talking about some random stuff but I could barely say a word. I was stuttering more than the normal and my hands were all sweaty and little gross. Unfortunately, Craig noticed.

"Are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine. I-I'm totally f-fine." I laughed nervously.

He smiled at me and nodded. We kept talking until we got to his house and went to the living room.

"Hi son! Hi Tweek!" Craig's mother said.

"H-Hi!" I answered, trying to sound as natural as possible.

We were still holding hands, so Craig's dad, mom and sister awed at the same time. I was really surprised with their acceptation.

Craig and I ignored them and we sat on the couch side by side, with our shoulders almost touching. This made me even more nervous.

We decided to watch on of Craig's favorites tv shows, and the episodes normally had 30 or minutes long so I had a lot of time to calm down and finally kiss him.

The episode started and Craig wrapped an arm around my waist and focused on the tv. I stared at him for almost all the program, and he seemed to don't notice me. When I felt I was ready, I turned to him and took a deep breath.



Seeing his face close to mine made me even more nervous than I already was. I desperately cupped his face with both hands and started leaning in with my eyes open. At this moment I panicked and closed my eyes, still leaning in to try to kiss any part of his face. This wasn't a good ideia...

My lips collided to his right eye, and he pulled away in pain. He looked at me with a "What the fuck did you just do?" face and he went to the bathroom to see if it was hurt.

The rest of the time we spent together was, for the first time, really weird and awkward.

Two hours later Craig walked with me to my house. When we arrived, I held his wrist before he could leave.

"C-Craig... about earlier I... I wanted to try to kiss you so bad but I got so nervous and I screw everything! I know it was a dumb move but please forgive me!" I said, surprisingly without stuttering.

He looked at me with a little smile on his face. Craig put his hands on my shoulders and he suddenly connected out lips. I felt like fireworks were exploding inside my mouth. His lips felt really god and they had a kind of sweet taste.

We pulled away after one minute or two and he smiled warmly at me. I didn't do anything because I was still shocked about what just happened.

"Well... see you at school tomorrow!" He said as he waved at me.

"O-Oh! Yeah! S-Se you... a-at school.." I said, still a little embarrassed.

I smiled at the thought of the kiss and opened my house front door. Right after I came in my mom hugged me tightly.

"Congrats honey!! You got your first kiss!" She said as she kissed my cheek.

"YOU SAW?!" I yelled."

She just laughed and left me on the living room still on shock.




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