Falling for you (Dip) [Part 1]

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Thanks to XxXKittyWittyXxX , ThatSouthParkYaoi and Queen_Of_Sparkles for the suggestions!

I think I found a new Otp 😂

And I'm sorry for the late update. I've been trying to improve my writing so I took longer to write this. I hope it gets better than the other stuff I wrote (I tried ;-;)

Request by Queen_Of_Sparkles

Enjoy this shit! (Its long, I hope you guys don't mind)


Pip's POV

Since that day at Cartman's party, I told myself to never forgive or talk to Damien again. I really thought he was my friend but suddenly we just don't hang out anymore. Sure, we are really different but we used to get along well, I think. I don't even know if he ever thought of me as his friend. Well... even though I want to, I can't just ignore him.

Every time he's around, I can't help but wave at him and say "hi" with a little smile on my face. I do this to everybody on my class, but with him it's... different.

He ignored me all the time but last week, he waved back at me. I might sound crazy, but I think I saw him smile. My heart skipped a beat.

I don't know what happened but... since that day, I'm getting all nervous around him. I have no idea why but I sometimes I stare at him in class and whenever our eyes meet, I feel my heart beating fast and my face heating up. I turn away every time he looks back at me just to fake I wasn't looking.

I feel a kind of strange sensation on my chest whenever I see him hang out with someone else and... I think I've never felt like that before. It's weird.

I really, really want to figure out what's this feeling, so I decided it would be better to talk to someone about that. I guess I'm gonna call Butters, since we're kinda close.

"Hello?" His familiar voice picked up phone.

"Hi Butters!" I said, enthusiastically.

"Oh, hi Pip!"

"C-Can you help me with something?" I asked, a little embarrassed.

"Sure! What is it?"

"I.... Ugh. It's hard to admit this but... it's Damien.."

"He's been bullying you?!!" He practically yelled.

"No... it's just that.. he's been on my mind almost all the time and... I don't even know why!!!!"

He bursted into laugh.

"Stop laughing!!!!" my voice sounded even more childish than the normal.

"Pfft I'm laughing because I guess I already know why you're thinking of him that much."

"Why??!!!!!" I asked, a little too loudly. I was almost screaming with anticipation.

He chuckled. "Relax. I'm going to tell you but first, tell me exactly what you're feeling."

"Ok.... I know it's weird but.. I don't know exactly what is this feeling. Whenever he's around I don't know what to do or say... and for some reason I don't think he's a bad person... I mean, sure, he is a little aggressive but I think he can be really sweet sometimes..." at this point a little shy smile appeared on my face and I was blushing lightly.

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