Mysterion x Professor Chaos

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*Too lazy to think of a good tittle*

More angst yayyy

Mysterion's POV

"I finally captured you, great hero." Professor Chaos smirks, while I vigorously move, trying to free myself from the chair he'd tied me on. I had both my arms and legs tightly attached to the chair with ropes, and a tape silver tape was covering my mouth.

"Hmm mph!!" My muffled pleas obviously are far to be enough to make him let me go.

"Well well well, look who's all helpless now, huh. Funny how things turned around so easily." He cockily removes the tape from my mouth.

"I will say this only once, Chaos: LET ME GO."

"Oh, if you want me to release you so badly, I might consider doing it if you are able defeat some of my minions."

"Quit it, Chaos, I won't play your dirty little games"

"Oh yeah? Maybe you'll change your mind when you see this." Some of his minions place a small TV in front of me, which has a vhs player connected to it. Professor Chaos takes a controller out of his pocket and presses play.

I look at the screen, terrified to see my little sister, crying and asking for help. General Disarray is there, saying that if I don't do whatever Chaos tells me to do, he'll take Karen away. I clench my fists in anger, and yell at the top of my lungs:


"You know what you have to do to guarantee she'll be safe. Defeat my minions and I'll set both you and Karen free. If you manage to do it, that is"

"Fine! Let's get this over with" usually, his minions are not that big of a deal, which makes me really confident that I'm able to win.

Chaos makes two minions come and untie me, while he is making sure to stay at a safe distance.

"Alright, bring it on!" I yell, intending to sound intimidating.

"You guys heard him. Attack, my minions!"

I defeat the first ones easily, and Chaos doesn't seem so happy about it.

"It seems that you really worry about your sister, huh. Too bad for you that that video was fake" he smirks.


"We paid her to do it, see it yourself!" The tv is turned on again, now showing Karen saying "are we done yet? I want the doll you guys promised me!". Shit! He tricked me.

"Fuck...." I keep on fighting, but not with the same energy as before. Because of both tiredness and the fact that I don't have the same motivation to fight for. When its about Karen, I do anything I can to protect her, but myself... I usually just give up and let myself die, knowing I'll come back anyways.

On synchrony, all the dogs, Mexicans, hamsters and random kids come to my encounter, all of them throwing themselves onto me. I'm bitten and punched until I can barely stand up.

"My legs are gonna give out, what should I do?" I mutter, while struggling to keep my consciousness. I'm dizzy, my whole body is bleeding, I don't know if I can win this.

"What's wrong? Weren't you all brave just a second ago? But that's great, seeing you become so pitiful entertains me" his typical evil laugh, which usually doesn't even seem evil at all, echoes throughout the room, seeming scarier than ever.

"Now, prepare for the final attack, Mysterion!"

Some of the minions look at each other, as if they know exactly what to do. I'm focused on them, so I don't notice when another minion goes behind me. Suddenly, I feel a sting on my back. As I turn around, I realize it: he stabbed me.

"Oh hamburgers, Kenny!" he screams, immediately putting aside his super villain act. I try to move, but my vision gets blurrier as I do so.

Butters runs in my direction, pushing his minions aside to give me some room to breath, since they were all gathered really close to me.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU, MINION #67?!?!" He screams to the minion who stabbed me, telling the others to leave and make sure to tell the police about #67.

All of them follow his command immediately, and as soon as we are alone, he kneels beside me, and puts my head on his lap, gently caressing my hair and wiping the blood from the corner of my mouth.

"I-I-I'm sorry... I- I didn't mean to. I j-just wanted to spend some time w-with you, why did I have to be so-" he stops himself, covering his mouth with one hand, while tears run down his always rosed cheeks.

"I like you..." he mumbles under his breath, and I immediately I misheard it. It can't be... it's not possible that he feels the same way as me.

"What?" I ask.

"I-I really really like you, Kenny" he then starts sobbing uncontrollably, as more and more tears start to form on his eyes.

"You have no idea how good it is to heard that coming from you... I feel the same way" I grin, giving him a reassured look.

He suddenly starts laughing, but not the happy kind of laugh, it is the most painful and sad thing I've ever heard. He looks away for some seconds, then stares directly into my eyes.

"This is all my fault..." he sobs.

"I shouldn't h-have- none of this would've happened i-i-if I weren't such a c-coward!!" I shush him and he looks at me with his big, shiny baby blue eyes, that now have been stained with red because of crying.

"Don't worry, I'm also a coward" I say and then cough, feeling myself get weaker and weaker each second.

"I should've just told you..." I whisper.

"T-That's supposed t-to be my line... oh my God I'm such an i-idiot!" he sobs even more, and his voice becomes shaky and desperate.

"Then I guess we're both idiots..." I smile as much as my painful state allows me, and suddenly, everything is black. I can't hear, I can't see, I can't breath...

I know exactly what this feeing is, it means died again. Poor Buttercup, he must be terrified, guilty... good thing he won't remember anything tomorrow.

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