Buddha Box (Creek)

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yayyyy I'm back with this book

Enjoy this shit!


Since Cartman told Craig that have your "one-on-one time with your phone" is possible with the Buddha Box, Craig bought his own Buddha Box and started using it all the time. At school, at home and even when he was out on dates with Tweek.

The fact that Craig wanted to spend more time with his phone than with his boyfriend was making Tweek anxious. He was afraid Craig could leave him, that they could fight or even worse: breaking up.

That's why he stayed with Craig. He wanted to be with his boyfriend even though he didn't seem to care about it. Tweek thought that maybe if he stayed with Craig, he would eventually get rid of the Buddha Box and go back to his normal life, but that didn't happen.

Days, weeks, months passed and Tweek was still waiting for him to come back. But Craig didn't come back. He was getting more distant little by little.

No matter how hard he tried, Tweek couldn't get Craig's attention off his phone.

One day, when they were coming back from school, Tweek decided that maybe it was the right time to tell Craig how he was feeling. He had to take it off his chest.

"Craig... can you please talk to me. I-I just... I want you back. I want to be with you just like the way we used to be. I stayed by your side all this time but you don't even notice I'm here! I want this to stop!" He, for some reason, was filled with confidence as he said those words.


"Are you even listening Craig?!"

"...." No answer.


"...." Still, nothing.

"I get it..." Tweek sighed as tears started to form on his eyes. He knew what he had to do, for Craig's sake, not for his. He didn't want to do that, but it just felt right.

"I see that you're better without me... I know I stayed here, with you, but you didn't even care. I guess I was the only one that really thought of us as real lovers. I j-just though that w-we... ugh, I'm so stupid." The tears were already falling down his cheeks and some of them dripping on the floor.

"A-Anyway, I guess it's b-better if we just... b-break up. Bye C-Craig... I-I love you.." he murmured the last part.

Then, Tweek left. He walked away, leaving Craig alone.

"Babe?" Craig peeked our of his Buddha Box and nobody was there. Tweek wasn't there with him...


That was so bad lol

So, I want to start writing here again so if you have any suggestion comment here please! I'll start writing as soon as I can

Bye! ❤️

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