"Just Friends" (Cutters)

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(Cutters / Buttman 😂 / Cartters I don't know which one is the right but whatever )

I'm having a fucking Writer's block so this will be even more shitty than the other stuff I write.

Also, I didn't have good ideas to write about this ship... I don't ship them but I did my best!

Request by XxXKittyWittyXxX (This took sooooo long to write 😂)

Enjoy this shit!


Butters POV

I know perfectly how Cartman always was mean to me but I don't know what is happening to me right now... I don't know why but I started looking at him at a different way... Cartman can actually be nice when he wants to. Since that time on the bus stop I can't stop thinking about him!


We were on the bus stop and there was anyone else. I forgot my scarf, so I was shivering a little because of the cold wind. Cartman approached me and handed me his scarf with a shy look on his face. He had a light blush on his cheeks, and for some reason, I started blushing as well.

"Y-You... can't leave without a scarf you idiot! You're gonna catch a cold.!!.." He mumbled the last part and I could barely hear it.

After giving me the scarf, he crossed his arms in embarrassment (I guess).

"T-Thank you..." I managed to say.

He seemed nervous... Look to his eyes and his lightly blushing face made blush a deep shade of red.

He turned around to see if anyone is coming before looking at me again. We stared at each other's eyes for long minutes before the other finally arrived. These moments that I was looking directly to his eyes felt magical. I never thought of Cartman as a sweet and nice guy but... he was different that day...

*Flashback ends*

I've been thinking about him a lot and I don't even know why. I always thought that my crush was Kenny, but I guess I was wrong...

I wanted to tell Cartman everything I was feeling for him, but I'm so shy so I didn't know what to say.

After class, he was walking down the hallways. I took a deep breath before approaching him.

"H-Hey!" I said, trying my best to don't stutter and hide my blush.

"Whatcha want?!" He said, sounding a little annoyed.

"U-Uh.... I..."

"Spill it out!!"

"Uhh... never mind! I-I.. forgot..!"

"Whatever." He said with his typical "I don't care" face.

When he was leaving, somehow I took courage enough to grab his shoulder and make him face me.

"What do you want??!!" He yelled

"I-I.... umm.."

"SPILL IT OUT!!!" He was extremely annoyed.

"Eric I.... I l-love you, ok?!!!?!" I felt kinda bad for saying "love" instead of "like" but I thought it was the right thing to say. This was what I was truly feeling.

"What the fuck?!! I'm not a fucking fag like you!!" He yelled. Everybody turned around to look at us. Some people seemed disgusted and others seemed just shocked.

I felt my heart break inside my chest as I walked out the school. My face was wet because of the tears that ran intensely down my face. I couldn't stop sobbing and think about his mean words.

"Why did I do this?! I'm so stupid!! I already knew he wasn't going to like me back, so why did I tell him?!!" I thought.

As I thought, only Kenny came after me, but I told him to leave. At this moment, I just wanted to go to the park and be alone to think about what just happened.

"Why would someone ever love a person like me...?" I mumbled.

I was focused on my thoughts so I didn't notice when someone stood behind the bench where I was sitting.

"Hey..." I recognized his voice. Surprisingly, it was Cartman.

"What do you want?" I managed to say between sobs and desperate cries.

"Look... I..."

I rolled my eyes. He had already broke my heart and I didn't want to hear anything he had to say.

"Butters... look at me..." he sat by my side.

I turned around to don't look directly at him.

"I said to look at me!!! Why can't you just listen to me for a second?!!" He yelled.

I got speechless. I obeyed and looked at him with tears eyes and a grumpy face with my arms crossed. I wanted him to understand how hurt I got.

Cartman just looked at my eyes for a little before roughly kissing me.

He closed his eyes and I just kept my eyes open in shock.

When he pulled away, and I looked at him with my face was redder than a tomato.

"Oh hamburgers..." I mumbled trying to catch my breath. I was speechless. What the hell just happened????

"It's just that.... I..."

I looked at his eyes and it seemed like magic. His face was red again, and he had a little bit of sweat on his forehead. I didn't know if it was because of embarrassment but I thought so.

"I like you too, ok?!!!" He yelled hiding his face.

I small smile surged on my face and I looked at him with hopeful puppy eyes.

"I never expected that...."

"But.... that doesn't mean anything you stupid!" He yelled with his arms crossed.

"I understand" I giggled and pecked his cheek, making him blush brightly.

"What are you doing???!!" He hissed.

I giggled again and gave him another kiss on the cheek before leaving.


Note: The smut chapters will be marked with a ⚠️, ok?



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