Not Ready Yet (K2)

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This is going to be HORRIBLE because I'm having writers block again ughhh

(Bad tittle don't mind pls)

Suggestion by XxXKittyWittyXxX (this took almost two days to write this, I hope you like it! ;-;)

Kinda smut ⚠️

Enjoy this shit!


Kyle looked around his boyfriend's room, trying to find anything to calm himself down. He and Kenny had talked about getting more "intimate", and this was driving him crazy. He wasn't sure if he was ready to do it.

He was a virgin, and he never thought he'd ever have sex, but things changed since he and Kenny started dating. They never did anything sexual yet but Kenny clearly wanted to. Kyle was afraid that he could hurt his boyfriend if he said "no", so he ended up agreeing to do it with him.

He knew that Kenny had already slept with other people and left them, so he was afraid to be just another one. He trusted Kenny with his life, but it was still scary to think that his boyfriend would leave him right after taking his virginity.

He heard the bathroom door open, making an almost inaudible sound.

Kenny came out of the bathroom, with only a towel wrapped around his waist, covering his crotch area. Kyle felt his pants tighten as his face turned a deep shade of red at sign of his boyfriend. He knew what was going to happen, and he wasn't sure if he was brave enough to do it.

"Hey..." He said with a seductive voice "Are you ready?" Kyle could see the hunger on the boy's eyes, and this made him gulp in fear. It seemed like he wasn't able to talk, so he simply nodded, even thought he wasn't feeling ready at all.

Kenny pinned the redhead against the wall, abusing his neck with kisses and soft bites. He left some hickeys on his way down Kyle's chest, kissing the soft skin and sucking, leaving big red marks that would stay there for probably a week. Then, he licked one of his boyfriend's nipples, rubbing and pinching the other, making Kyle shiver in pleasure.

Kenny moved to his lips, kissing the boy passionately. Their tongues fought for dominance and of course, Kenny won. Kyle was moaning into the kiss, making the blonde boy smirk and get even more turned on than he already was.

Kenny lifted up his boyfriend, making the boy put his legs around his waist. Then, they moved to the bed, still in the kiss.

He took off Kyle's pants as well, leaving him only on his boxers. Kenny looked him with lust and desire, himself getting harder at the sign of his boyfriend's almost naked body.

"Damn.. you're so hot." He whispered on the boy's ear, licking and biting lightly on his earlobe. He looked at Kyle's body and face once more, devouring him with his eyes. He started to lower his boyfriend's boxers, revealing his now erected dick, begging for attention.

Kyle shivered at the cold air against his sensitive crotch area. He looked at Kenny with fear, almost regretting what they were doing. Sure, he was in love with Kenny, but now he was sure that he wasn't ready at all.

The blonde boy looked at the boy's blushing freckled face and felt like he couldn't hold back anymore. He positioned himself in Kyle's hole, preparing to push in. The redhead noticed and he finally decided to stop forcing himself to do something he wasn't ready to do.

"K-Kenny wait!!" Kyle yelled in panic. Now he was sure, he clearly wasn't ready at all to do this sort of thing.

"What's wrong..?" Kenny's seductive face from before became a worried one, making Kyle's heart break to see how disappointed his boyfriend seemed.

"It's just that- I just-"

"You're not ready yet..." he interrupted him as he sighed.

"It's ok... I just thought that... we could just- I'm sorry..." Kenny continued as he looked away with guilt and embarrassment.

"No I... I'm sorry...I didn't want to hurt you so I- I just agreed to do it and-" Kyle took a deep breath before continuing "I really wanted to do it with you but.... I just don't feel ready yet."

"I understand..." he looked directly to Kyle's eyes with a shy smile and light blush on his face "Now, why don't we watch a movie?"

"I'd love to." They kissed once again, but it was incredibly soft and full of love. They dressed up again and moved to the couch, cuddling next to each other.

Kenny wrapped a blanket around them, pulling Kyle even closer to him.

"Hey Kenny..." the redhead called.


"I love you." Kyle said before falling asleep in his lover's arms.

"I love you too." Kenny kissed his boyfriend's forehead before falling asleep as well, glad to just have someone to embrace, knowing that he didn't need anything like sex to feel loved by someone as amazing as Kyle.


AaaAAaHhahHhHH this got so bad lol

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