Sick day (Creek)

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I just had some inspiration to write some creek so I wrote this ;-;

It's short as hell but whatever :/

Also, I'm working on the cutters oneshot and I will probably finish it soon.

Anyways, enjoy this shit!


Craig was at school searching for Tweek. He really wanted to see his boyfriend but the problem was that he couldn't find him. Tweek isn't the type of person that skip school by himself (they skip together sometimes), so Craig was worried.

He talked to almost everyone, and nobody saw Tweek. Now, Craig got really worried. He decided to visit Tweek after school to ask him why he didn't go to school. Also, he was little bit mad, because he noticed that Butters wasn't at school too, so he thought he and his boyfriend were skipping school together and this made him really mad.

He called Tweek a lot of times and sent a lot of texts but he wasn't picking up or responding. Craig was jealous, angry, anxious and worried at the same time, and it was just the first period.

"I'm gonna fucking kill your boyfriend!" Craig yelled when Kenny passed by him in the hallways.

Kenny ignored and just went to his first class, with his phone pressed in his ear. He clearly was trying to call his Butters to see where he was and because of his face, it seemed that Butters wasn't picking up.

Well, the classes seemed to last an eternity. Craig was even more bored than the normal and he wasn't even bothering himself to pay attention on the classes. He was jealous and he NEEDED an explanation about Tweek's absence.

(Time skip to after school cuz I'm lazy and it's almost 2 a.m)

Craig packed up his things and went (gay *cough*) straight to his boyfriend's house. He pressed the doorbell and waited until Tweek's mom opened the door with a huge smile on her face.

"Oh, hello Craig! What a great surprise!"

"Hi! Can I go see Tweek?"

"Sure! He is upstairs on his room."

"Thank you." Craig entered the house.

"Oh, can you tell him that I'm going to work right now? Also, can you two be alone for an hour or two?"

"Sure!" Craig said. Obviously, a lot of perverted thought passes through his head. He and Tweek never did anything like that YET but there's always a first time for everything, right?

Craig said goodbye to Mrs. Tweak and went to his boyfriend's room. He was still a little mad, but he wasn't going to leave without an explanation.

He entered without even knocking, because since they started dating, this was something very normal to them to be in each other's rooms.

He opened the door and saw Tweek laying on his bed with some blankets wrapped around him. He was sneezing and coughing and he seemed really sick.

Craig's heart melt to see his boyfriend on this state. He felt really bad because of his jealousy and he sighed on Tweek's bed, by his side, and wrapped his arm around the boy's waist.

"H-Hi Craig!"

"Hi babe."

"I-I... think y-you shouldn't b-be so close to m-me because I'm sick a-and I don't want you to g-get sick too...."

"Nah, I don't mind. I just want you right now." he whispered on Tweek's ear, making him blush a lot.

Craig giggled and placed a soft and passionate kiss on the boy's lips.

"Tweeeeeeeeeeek.... I wanna cuddle." Craig said with a needy voice, and he tried to make puppy eyes but it wasn't a good attempt.

Tweek laughed a lot and nodded. Then, Craig wrapped the blankets around himself and moved closer to his boyfriend. He placed some kisses on Tweek's neck, making him shiver.

"C-Craig what a-are you-"

"I'm needyyyyyyy. I just want you right now."

He stopped with the kisses on the neck but started kissing the Tweek's cheek and lips. He was pretty damn needy.

"Aaaaaand..." he leaned on his boyfriend's ear "we're alone so I thought we could-"

(This shit is not a smut but if you want me to write a smut oneshot just comment here 😂)

Tweek's face got immediately redder than a tomato and he cut Craig off in panic.

"No no no no no no it's ok a-and we already talked about that and I'm still not ready and I-"

"Hey, chill. I was going to say 'watch a movie while cuddling'"

Tweek's face got all red again as the other laughed a lot. Craig took his laptop out of his bag and placed a random Disney movie which he knew Tweek was going to like.

They spent the rest of the day kissing, cuddling and watching movies, until they fell asleep in each other's arms.

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