Super Best Friends (Style)

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Before reading this shitty fanfic, please look at my shitty art! 😂


I created a Deviant Art account (@shittyfanarts) if you want, please follow me because I will start posting soon.
(I know it looks bad :/ )

That's me in anime version (I look so much prettier than in real life 😂)

Request by DontCallMeCuteBaka (I decided to make this request first because I already had an ideia to write a Stan x Kyle oneshot)

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Request by DontCallMeCuteBaka
(I decided to make this request first because I already had an ideia to write a Stan x Kyle oneshot)

Enjoy this shit!!!


Stan's POV

I dated Wendy for almost a year. Our relationship seemed really strong, and I thought it would never end. I was happy to be with a nice girl like her.

When she broke up with me, it completely destroyed my heart. I didn't understand why she ended our relationship. She always seemed so happy with me...

It obviously drove me to a state of depression. I could barely leave my room or talk to someone. I felt like my life couldn't continue.

Even though I didn't want to see anyone, Kyle came to visit me every day. Every time he came to see me, he bought something to cheer me up, like some snacks or video games we used to play together. Kyle was the only one I wanted to see and talk to.

I don't why I never noticed how Kyle is sweet, cool, ho-

Uhhhhh... never mind the last part.

After a week or two, I was completely fine and I could go to school again. Kyle was the one who helped me all the time and he always stays by my side, no matter what happens. That's how I realized that my feelings for Kyle could be more than mere friendship.

Well, today Kyle is coming to my house to a sleepover. Even though the other boys would make fun of us , we don't mind on having a sleepover.

I run downstairs and pick some snacks on the kitchen to leave on my room. I know Kyle likes to play video games, watch some movies, eat snacks and just chill when we are together so I decided to do exactly what I think he would like.

Obviously, I have a plan. I want to make sure of what I feel for him. If I can, somehow, convince him to kiss me, I can see if I'm really gay or not.

I hear the doorbell ring and I unconsciously brush my hair with my fingers to try to fix it. What am I doing?!

I go to the door and see him standing in front of me. He smiles at me and I blush lightly. We hug each other and I tell him to come in.

We quickly head upstairs. He is in front of me, and I don't know why but I can't stop staring at his ass. I think Bebe was right after all, Kyle has a great ass, BUT NO HOMO (I guess).

We enter my room and he opens his backpack and pulls out a sleeping bag.

"Shit!" He says.

"What's wrong dude?"

"My sleeping bag tore. Can we share your bed?" He looks at me with puppy eyes and I can't help but agree as my cheeks get redder and redder.

"What do you want to do first?"

"Maybe we can watch a movie" he says.

I nod as I search on Netflix for something Kyle would like to watch. We end up picking a random comedy, which wasn't even that funny. We sit side by side, very close to each other. I don't know if he is noticing, but I'm moving closer to him very slowly. He also moves closer and we start cuddling. I don't know exactly if we are cuddling but we are hugging each other tightly. STILL NO HOMO.

The movie ends and we hear my mother yell "Boys, it's bedtime!".

We sigh at the same time as Kyle stands up and picks his pajamas inside his backpack. He starts changing and I stare at him "discreetly".

He takes his shirt off and then his pants, leaving him only on his underwear. Now I'm redder than ever, and I stare directly at his chest and crotch area. He looks so fucking hot.

He is also without his hat, revealing his pretty red hair. When he first showed us his hair, I think I was the only one who thought it was adorable and really pretty.

Then, he notices I'm staring and his face gets as red as mine.

"D-Dude... what are you... staring at..?" He asks, clearly embarrassed.

"You" I blurt out unintentionally.

His face gets redder than a tomato and he quickly puts his pajamas. I go to the bathroom and change as well, and when I come back he is sitting on my bed and looking at me with his puppy eyes again. Oh shit.

"Kyle, we will be super best friends no matter what happens, right?"


"So... can I ask you something?"


"Can we kiss?" I ask as I sit on the bed.

"WHAT?" He flushes.

"I asked if we can kiss?"


"Well..." I take a deep breath before continue "I think I might be gay for you so... I thought that if we kiss, I can find out if I'm gay or not."

"I think I might be gay for you too..." he mumbles.

We two are with our faces redder than ever but we don't care. We start leaning in slowly and shyly. Our lips finally connect and the sensation is amazing. I kissed Wendy a lot of time but this time I'm feeling something different! My heart is beating faster than ever!!

We pull away after some minutes and I make a needy face because of the lost of contact.

"Ok... I think I'm gay." I say, laughing a little.

"Me... too." Kyle says hiding his face a little.

"What should we do now?" I say with a kind of seductive voice.

"Well... I have an ideia."

This was the best night of my life. I think we didn't even sleep because spent almost all the night cuddling and making out.

Me and Kyle are dating now, and Wendy is looking a little jealous, but we don't mind. I never felt so happy.

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