Rejection (Creek)

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So, I'm back with this book lmao. Some creek angst because why not


Craig's POV

Tweek and I were supposed to talk about "us" (probably because we kissed once but never really did anything afterwards), and I was expecting something, to be honest. My imagination went too far on convincing me that everything would happen just like in my dreams: he would look at me, grab my wrists on a passionate act and say the so expected "I love you, date me". So yeah, basically that's pretty much what I was expecting.

Anyways, we both decided we wanted to talk during lunch, since most people are on the cafeteria and we'd have somewhere we could be alone and talk about it properly. Excitement is not enough to describe how I was feeling. I was still with the constant thought that I was about to finally date the most amazing, cutest, smartest and funniest person I've ever met.

Then, when we found a quiet, empty spot, I let out everything I've kept inside my heart for so long.

"Tweek, I already told you this, but I'll say it again: I like you."

He looked away, as if he was wether disgusted or embarrassed about what I had just said. Then, our eyes met again when he lightly turned his head towards me. He opened his mouth to speak, his frail lips shaking just a little.

"Craig I-"

He stopped himself, as if no words could come out anymore. He took a deep breath, and looked at my face with a certain concern.

"Be honest with me, what do you want us to be..?"

With that, I decided: I'd open myself up and be completely honest about how amazing I think he is. I take a shaky breath and start speaking slowly and with a sweet tone.

"I like you so much. Actually, I could say I've loved you for a long time now, and that's why I want us to... you know, be boyfriends like, real official boyfriends"




"Are you... ok?"

"I was pretending." His voice echoed more throughout both my body and the place we were in.


"I don't like you. I'm sorry..."

"But... why? Y-You said it so honestly that time, we even kissed! It was my first kiss and yours as well, so I thought it was... special..."

"C-Can't you understand? I pretended I liked you because I had to, alright? It was a bet! Why would I like you anyway?" His voice sounded as deep and aggressive as it ever sounded. This wasn't the Tweek I knew... it felt like he was another person...

"But-" I grabbed his wrist and refused to let go, since I thought it would be over for us.

"Gah! Craig, just- j-just leave me alone, I don't want to talk about that. I already told you, I don't l-like you back... I'm sorry"

I let go of his arm, and he didn't hesitate to walk away, turning his back coldly. This didn't feel right, Tweek wasn't like that. His kind way of speaking, his cracking voice, none of that was present when he was discussing with me.

I tried to go after him, but I couldn't move.

"Tweek!" I yelled, but he didn't seem to hear me.




There was no use, he was already gone, and I was left there, crying like a baby, and screaming his name, even though I knew he couldn't hear me. Tweek....


I wake up, panting and sweating like crazy. I look around, a little confused, taking some time to realize I was sitting on the couch, with the tv on.

"A dream?" Looking down to my lap, I see tweek, who'd woken up from a peaceful sleep because I moved around a little.

"What's wrong Craig?" He asks.

"Nothing, it was just a nightmare..." o internally thanked god. I can't believe how glad I am to hear that it wasn't real. None of that was real.

"I-It's all ok now, I'm here" he smiles sweetly, his eyes looking even shinier than the normal.

" Honey..."


"I know I don't say that often, but I love you so much, I'm really lucky t have you..."

He blushes and hugs me tight, giving me a peck on the cheek.

"I l-love you too, Craig" he whispers.


This was actually based on my first experience with a heartbreak :'D

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