Summer (Style)

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One more Style oneshot no one asked for cuz I love Style.

Enjoy this shit!


Summer in South Park wasn't something that special. Everybody was on vacation, but all people just stayed home because of the heat, so the summer days were boring and long. The only ones who had fun were the people who went to somewhere cool, like the water park on a nearby town, but most people just stayed at home during all the season.

Kyle was laying on his bed, only in his underwear. He was sooo bored. For him, the summer was one of the best seasons of the year, but sometimes, spend the whole season without your friends gets pretty boring and lonely.

*Meanwhile, at Stan's house...*

"We are going to a water park, kids! Isn't this great?!" Sharon said.

"No that's not." Shelly answered.

"Come on Shelly, it will be fun! What would you do on the summer if we weren't going?"

"I would spend my precious time very far away from kids like Stan."

"Don't be so mean. I promise, you will have a lot of fun!"

"Ugh... fine. But just because there can have some cute boys."

"Great! And Stan, why don't you invite Kyle to come with us?"

He nodded and waited until his mother left to tease Shelly.

"And they probably will run away from you."

"SHUT UP!" She punched him on the face. That was a completely normal thing to happen, and it didn't even hurt that much.

Shelly went to her bedroom to pack her things up as Stan dialed Kyle's house number.


"Hi Kyle!"

"Oh, hey Stan!"

"So.. my family is going to the water park and my mother said I could invite you. You wanna come with us?"

"Sure! I'll just ask my parents"

"Dad, Stan and his family are going to a water park and Stan's mother said he could invite me too. Can I go with them?" Kyle asked. He knew if he asked his mother she could panic and say no, so he decided to ask his father first.

"Sure son, just don't tell your mother, I talk to her later."

"Ok, thanks dad!"

He picked the phone again.

"My dad said I can go with you!"

"Great! We are going to pick you up in... ten minutes, I guess."

"Ok. Bye dude."


They hung up and Kyle went to his room to pack his things. One of the things he most liked on the summer was spend time with Stan. He also loved the way Stan on a swimsuit and-

Well, Kyle realized few days before, that he might have feelings for his best friends. Feelings that are more than mere friendship. He didn't want to tell Stan about it because that could ruin their childhood friendship, and he didn't want that to happen.

The only thing he didn't know, was that Stan was feeling the same things for him, and for the same reason, he didn't want to tell Kyle about it.

They sometimes gave some signs to each other, like hold hands when no one was watching and they kind of flirted some times. Both of them didn't know if they could call it "flirt" but it seemed like something a couple would do.

When Stan arrived Kyle's house, he brushed his hair a little before leave the car and press the doorbell.

Kyle opened the door happily and they hugged each other at a totally no homo way.

The two entered the car and sat side by side. They were really close to each other because Shelly was occupying a lot of space so they had to get closer and closer.

The road trip was awesome to both of them. Kyle fell asleep for almost all the time, and when he was sleeping, he unconsciously cuddled to Stan, making him blush a lot.

Shelly didn't seem to notice her blushing brother and his (*cough* boy) friend cuddling together, but even thought she saw them a time or two, she didn't seem to care at all.

After an hour, they finally arrived the water park, and everybody left the car.

Randy and Sharon just stayed at a random pool relaxing a little, Shelly was searching for the "cute boys" and tried to call their attention as Kyle and Stan were walking around, just trying to find something cool to do.

"What you want to do first?"

"Hmm... I don't know. You can choose what we are going to do." Kyle said as smiled to his best friend.

How Stan loved Kyle's smile... it was just.. perfect. He loved the way his pink lips looked when he smiled.

"I want to kiss him so bad..." he thought.

"I-I think I know something nice to do." He practically blurted out. He mentally facepalmed as he guided Kyle to a nice place where anyone ever go when it was summer. This place just had a small heated pool with some flowers and palms around it.

"Hot water on the summer? Really?" Kyle said when he saw a big sign that said "Heated pool".

"Trust me." Stan winked at him.

"Wow. This place is really nice Stan, but I think we are going to boil if we enter there." Kyle chuckled.

"Don't worry, they don't heat the pool when it's hot. I don't think people know that, so that's why nobody comes here on the summer."

"Oh. So what are we waiting for?" Kyle chucked again, making Stan blush.

They happily entered the small pool and rested close to each other.

Stan wasn't even enjoying the water, he was just staring at Kyle. He loved Kyle's hair, his body, his face... everything about him was just so perfect..

"Kyle.." He called his best friend, making they face each other.

Then, Stan grabbed his best friends face and pecked him sweetly on the lips. It was a quick kiss, but it surely had a lot of passion.

Kyle looked at him with a surprised, but kind of hopeful face.

"What was that, dude?" He chuckled.

Stan hid his face didn't say anything.

"Don't worry. I liked it."

"Wha-" Kyle interrupted him with a longer and deeper kiss, making Stan blush like crazy.

"S-So... t-that means w-we are like... dating.?" He said after they pulled away. Stan didn't seem the kind of person to get nervous easily, but Kyle was the only one who make him feel like his heart could jump out of his chest.

"Yep" Kyle said proudly.

They spent the rest of the day kissing, hugging and saying sweet thing to each other. When they came back to where the other were, they were smiling and the two seemed much happier than when they first entered the park.

"I see you two had a great day!" Sharon said smiling at the two.

Stan looked at Kyle and smiled warmly at him before answering "yeah... we had a great day together.."


This was PURE SHIT oh my god 😂

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this and...


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