"Little" secret (Cryde)

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I'm finally back! I convinced my (homophobic) dad to let me write my gay fanfics but he is still hate gays :/

Aaaaaand.... for whoever is reading this shit I just want to say thanks 😂

Request by XxXKittyWittyXxX

Enjoy this shit!


Craig's POV

Something that have been annoying me for a while, is the fact that I'm obligated to fake a relationship with Tweek. I found out that I'm gay, but I don't like him and he doesn't like me either. We both want to end all of this, but we know that if we stop faking, the whole city will be sad, and we don't want that.

The only thing we do is hold hands and hug when we are in public. Tweek is nice and all but I'm not happy with our "relationship". I've been crushing someone for a long time, and I don't know how to tell him... I don't even know if he would like me back.

Well, I've been trying my best to show everybody that what I have with Tweek is nothing more than a good friendship and a completely fake relationship.

Well... actually, my crush is Clyde. I've been liking him for like, two years I guess. He is just.. so cute, sweet and ho-

Uhhhhhh... never mind the last part but... I want him to find out my feelings. I want to be with him,and I... want to kiss him and be like, a real couple...

Today, I pretend to tell him today. I hope he likes me too...

*Later... (Time skip cuz I'm lazy)*

I walked down the hallways, making sure that Tweek wasn't around. I know I'm Tweek's "boyfriend" but he was the last person I wanted to see at the moment. I mean, I like him (as a friend) but things would get awkward if he was around.

I saw Clyde and waved at him as I approached.


"Sup Craig!" He said with a smile on his face. I love his smile.. it is so perfect. His soft pink lips balance perfectly with his white teeth. Sometimes, I can't stop staring at him. When he notices, he just smiles at me and look away.. probably that's a kind of... sign?

"C-Can we talk for a moment..?" I was getting nervous.

"Sure!" He smiled at me again, making me blush lightly.

I held his hand and dragged him for somewhere we could be alone. I didn't want other people seeing me.. confessing to him...

When I found a great place behind the school, I turned around to look directly at him. His face were inches apart from mine, and this made me even more nervous.

"Umm... what did you want to say?"

I didn't answer him. I was too focused on his beautiful eyes. I didn't even notice I was staring but... well, obviously he noticed.

"Earth to Craig." He said as he waved a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry I... I just.. spaced out" I said as I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment.

He chuckled and I blushed even more.

"Clyde... I called you here to... I want to tell that I... Ugh! Why can't I say it?!"

"Pffft what you want to tell me that is making you sooooo nervous." He laughed.

"I-I... I like you!" I blurted out and covered my mouth.

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