Falling for you (Dip) [Part 2]

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I'm actually proud of the two parts of this oneshot, so show me some love 😂

(This part is kinda long, I hope you don't mind..)

Enjoy this shit!


Pip's POV

"I-I... I like you!!" I blurted out. At this moment, I regretted what I said. I didn't know why I decided to tell him, because he would probably "hate" me again.

"You... what?!" He yelled with his voice turning to a demoniac tone and his eyes getting a vivid red color. He was burning with anger, literally.

He slapped me on the face, leaving a big red mark and a burn as well.

"Don't you dare approach me ever again, you son of a bitch!" And he left without saying anything else. Damien walked away angrily, leaving a fire trail behind him.

Then, I heard the front door close roughly, making a loud noise that echoed through the whole house. Suddenly, the fire disappeared, leaving only one black mark on my bed.


All I was thinking was about him. I didn't know why I was so hopeful when he came. I didn't know why I decided to tell him my feelings.

I was already expecting to be rejected but.. I don't know.. it felt really painful. I lost my friend and my crush because of my impulsive act. I should've found an excuse like "Sorry, I forgot." or "Why don't we start our homework?".

"Why did I think I could have a chance, he's the coolest guy in school. I'm just... a nobody..."

I felt my legs getting weak, and I got on my knees with my eyes filled with tears. I touched the place where he slapped me. It hurt real bad, but other thing was hurting even more. I was heartbroken.

Then, I heard my phone ring. I wiped some tears away and picked up.


Butters' POV

I was walking alone on a street near my house. I was really distracted so I didn't see when someone came, so I bumped into that person.

"S-Sorr- umm.. Damien..? What a-are you doing h-here? W-What's wrong..?" I saw him walking from the direction of Pip's house, and this made me get really worried. Pip told me Damien was coming to his house today, and he also said he was going to confess to him. Damien was super mad, so if Pip really confessed to him, he probably got rejected.

"A-Are you a-alright?"

"Ugh, it's Pip." He surprisingly answered me. I never thought I would hear Damien say what he was thinking.

"W-What about him?"

"He just confessed to me..." he murmured, probably trying to make me don't hear him.

"R-Really? And h-how do you feel about i-it? Are you m-mad at him b-because of that..?"

"I don't know how I feel." He said angrily.

"W-What do you m-mean?"

"I... Nothing. Forget it." he left right after saying that. I think I saw him blush a little but I'm probably wrong. Damien would never blush, would he..?

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