Buddha Box (Creek) [Part 2]

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Sorry for taking so long to post this ;-;

Enjoy this shit!

(Edits: grammar/spelling)

Craig got desperate. Suddenly Tweek had disappeared.

"He wouldn't leave me alone... I think..." he thought. He was trying to convince himself that the "I love you" he hear his boyfriend mumble a minute ago was just his imagination.

"I guess I'll talk to him at school tomorrow" he said to himself as he walked back to his house. For the first time on a while, he felt like he didn't need his Buddha Box.

*Monday, at school...*

Craig was walking down the crowded hallways searching for his boyfriend. He saw Tweek from distance putting some stuff on his locker.

"Hey babe." He wrapped his arm around Tweek's waist, giving him a light kiss on the cheek.

"So you forgot, huh?" Tweek moved the boy's arm away from his waist coldly.

"Forgot what?" Craig still had a smile on his face even though Tweek seemed to don't like his affection.

"I broke up with you yesterday." He answered. Craig panicked inside.

"What?! No, you didn't!"

"Yes, I did. And I don't regret it." Tweek crossed his arms and looked away.

"B-But I don't remember a thing! I'm sure I'd have heard if it was something that important!" Craig was trying his best to find an excuse to make Tweek feel better.

"Oh yeah? Then what were you doing when I tried to talk to you because I couldn't stand the that you left me aside because of your phone"

"I-" Craig tried to speak back, but Tweek angrily interrupted him.

"No! I won't let you say anything, just shut up and listen for once. I broke up with you yesterday but you were TOO FUCKING BUSY WITH THAT STUPID BUDDHA BOX THAT YOU DIDN'T EVEN HEAR!" He yelled. It was the first time Tweek sounded so cold and angry towards Craig. Normally, he'd never yell at his boyfriend, but he was too pissed off to care if he was hurting Craig or not.

This made Craig realize... all the time he spent using his Buddha box, Tweek was there. Even though Craig wasn't even paying attention or listening to him, he was there waiting. He was there, waiting to spend time together again, but Craig was too busy seeing some random shit on the internet.

Try to ignore Tweek for a "little" time was a mistake. The whole Buddha Box thing was a mistake.

Craig decided that the only solution was say what was deep inside his heart. Just let his feelings control what he'd say to at least try to get Tweek back.

"Tweek, please! It was all my fault... I didn't appreciate all the time we spent together... I didn't appreciate you! You're an amazing person and I'm lucky to have someone like you by my side, and I realized that too late..." some tears started to form in his eyes. It was the first time in years Craig cried in front of someone.

Tweek didn't say anything. He just stared with a grumpy face. He hadn't seen Craig's tears yet, so the things he said seemed like a cliché thing he probably found on the internet.

"Look, I... I-I know I was a dick for ignoring you all of a sudden, but please give me a chance! I'm sorry for using that Buddha Box, I'm sorry I didn't talk to you for a fucking month, I'm sorry for being the worse boyfriend ever... I just don't know why you stayed with me all this time even though I don't deserve someone like you..." Craig took a deep breath as he looked to Tweek's face with a sad look. The blonde's face started to get a more concerned expression, like he was feeling kind of guilty for being too rough on Craig.

"I just want to say that you're funny, cute, kind, cool... I could say much more things I love about you, but right now I'm trying to say that I'm really sorry. I know I already said that a lot of times and it's getting kinda annoying but please, forgive me..."

No response.

"Fine... I'll leave you alone from now on..."

Tweek crosses his arms and kept repeating to himself "I don't need him". So he just walked away as Craig did that too. But that didn't feel right. Tweek suddenly felt like all that anger wouldn't help... what he was doing them at all.

It felt like if he didn't do anything to stop Craig from walking away, it would be over for them. It would be the end, and Tweek couldn't stand it. He had to do something.

"No C-Craig!! I'm s-sorry! Please!! D-Don't leave me again! I-I... I l-love you!.." Tweek started sobbing uncontrollably as he turned to Craig walking away.

Craig immediately stopped walking. He ran towards his boyfriend as fast as he could, giving the boy a tight hug.

"I'm sorry too. I love you..." Craig murmured as he gently caressed Tweek's back and hair. He started to cry as well.

Both of hem agreed they didn't need anything other then each other to be fine.


Yayyyyyy super dramatic and cliché end

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