Bromance (Tyde)

528 22 4

Didn't write the smut part because the chapter would be too long, instead I might do a separated part just for the sex scene if y'all want to.

Hope you enjoy this :)


Clyde's POV

What I usually do when it's weekend is just hang out with Token, Craig and Tweek but this time it was kinda different. The two "love birds" decided to go on a date the same day we were supposed to hang out together at my place.

It makes me little mad that they always put their relationship in front of our friendship but at the same time I'm happy for them. I like to see that they're happy together.

And more, I will be able to spend a little more time alone with Token. We are like, "best bros" but we don't hang out by our selves a lot. I mean, the kind of stuff we usually like to do is "too much" for Tweek, so when the four of us are together Craig avoids doing this kind of stuff to make sure his boyfriend won't be left out.

By "this kind of stuff" I mean drinking some alcohol (even though we are too young to do so), try to pick up some girls and all. Even though I think I'm like, 100 times hotter than Token, all the girls always end up flirting with him, but he rejects them all.

Since he and Nicole broke up, he says he doesn't want any girl because he already has someone else he likes. Maybe he really has moved on, but I doubt it. Token has never been the kind of guy to get over people quickly, so he's is probably lying to hide the fact that he's still in love with his ex.

Anyway, it was almost 8:00 pm and I was sitting on the couch, waiting for Token to come over.

My father had been called out of town for some days to discuss a possible promotion on his job. I'm really happy for him, but as I'm not the angelic kind of kid, I took this as the perfect opportunity to take some beers he leaves on the fridge and at least drink some of them with Token. It was going to be great to just spend some time with my bro and drink a little bit.

We were even planning to go to Raisins, which was kind of a miracle for Token to agree, because he hates "taking care" of me since I can't help myself from spending a LOT of my dad's money there. Maybe if I don't get all the girls' attention with my outstanding beauty, Token might get a new girlfriend!

The doorbell rings, I rush to open the door and Token is standing there smiling at me. We casually hug as I invite him to come in and offer him a beer. He accepts it and as soon as we sit on the couch, we start drinking and talking.

After three or four cans, me and Token were already completely drunk since we're not so used to drink. I'm the "I'm not even that drunk" kind of drunk and Token... well, he's a flirty drunk. Like, REALLY flirty. I've learned that from previous experiences with him, and he flirts with literally anything and anyone, but whenever he's doing so, he always call them by my name or uses a pun with something related to me. That probably happens because we're really close friends, but it's funny to see him getting all embarrassed after he's on his right mind.

"Hello there cutie~" Token calls me, and I turn around frowning, knowing he's going to flirt, and I would be the only one who had to endure his "Chad" attitude.

"Dude, I'm not cuteeee" I whine, as I roll out of the couch, trying to find a comfortable position to lay on the floor.

"Hey, Clyde"


"You're cute"

"Stop iiiit, save the flirty attitude for the girl you like"

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