Chapter 4

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I woke up early this morning, because I didn't want to talk to my brothers or parents, after that little spillage last night. I quickly took a shower, scrub myself and changed, I changed into baggy pants and baggy shirt. When I was finished, I went downstairs into the kitchen to have breakfast. For breakfast I made pancakes, I sat and ate my pancakes peacefully. I made a lot so I packed it for my lunch. When I finished eating I washed everything up, I grabbed my bag, put my shoes on and walked to school.

As I was walking I felt like someone was watching me, but shook it off and kept walking.

When I got to school, there was barely anyone there, so I walked to my favorite tree to read my book. When I got to my tree I saw the schools bad boy Maxwell Carter, but people call him Max because he hates being called Maxwell. He was with one of Madison's minions, that girls name is Madison number 2 (an: scream queens anyone?❤🔥), all of Madison's minions go by Madison, they are all numbers, they are all numbered by their looks. Anyways enough of that.

They were literally sucking each others faces, I cleared my throat "Excuse me, but can you move I want to sit down and read peacefully, so can you take that" I said gesturing them "Somewhere else" I finished.

"You're just jealous because I have him and you don't, so stop bothering us" the girl said, I rolled my eyes and walked away. I walked to the library and red a book, waiting for the bell. After waiting for 20 minutes I decide to go for a walk, so I packed up my stuff and walked out of the library.

As I was walking down the hallways I got a call from my friend Lucas he owns the fighting arena I fight at, so I answered it "Yes Lue po" I said, using the nickname that he absolutely hates.

"I told you to stop calling me that! Anyways I called because there is going to be a big fight tonight, winner gets $500,000" he said, I gasped.

"Wow this person thinks his tough, so he just bets on money that he probably won't win that and plus all the added money from bets, this is going to be easy money" I said, I looked around and saw that my brothers and their group of friends are staring at me.

"Yeah I know right, you're going to kick his ass tonight" he said getting excited. Then I remembered that I had a race tonight at 10pm.

"Shit, I forgot I have a race tonight when will the fight start?" I asked, looking back to my brothers group and facing forwards.

"It starts at 8pm so it gives you like 20 minutes depending how good he is" Lucas said.

"Okay, I gotta go, bye" I said and ended the call.

I looked back to find my brothers group walking towards me, then the bell went I sprinted to Math class and sat down, I didn't want to deal with them. After waiting a few minutes the teacher walked in and began the lesson, I put in my earphones and listened to music. After 7 minutes I heard my name "Miss King! will you please answer this equation?" my teacher asked, I took out my right earphone and looked at the board.

"The answer is 4 cubed" I said, the teacher nodded in approval. "Nerd" I heard someone say, I turned to see who said it and guess who said it, you guessed it, Max. Max smirked than winked at me, I turned around and felt like I puked in my mouth.

After about 50 minutes the bell rung, all the kids in my class bolted out, leaving me with Max. Great, just great (note the sarcasm), I stood up and left the classroom, leaving Max behind. I walked down the halls to my next class, English. As I was about to walk in my name was called out, again, gee what is up with people and calling my name. I turned around to face my brothers and their group of friends, but I turned back facing forwards and walked to class.

After another boring lesson, which again I didn't pay attention to, it was finally lunch, my favorite part of school. Instead of eating in the cafetiere, I went outside and sat under my favorite tree. I sat down quietly until I felt like someone approaching, I quickly turned around, ran up to the person and twisted their arm. I heard a grone, but couldn't see their face "Who are you?" I asked him, he didn't reply I twisted his arm more.

"I'll ask again, who are you?" I asked again this time I got a reply "My name is Mason Filly" he said through the pain.

"Who sent you?" I asked, curious, because people are after me. Not just because I am a streetfighter and racer, but I'm also the gang leader of the most feared and dangerous gang in the world, The Deadly Vipers.

"Your second in command Marcus sent me" he said, I let go of his arm and pulled out my phone to call Marcus. Marcus is my best friend and part of my gang, he is my second in command.

The phone rang twice until he picked up "Hello AJ, how are you on this fine day" he asked, trying to sugarcoat the conversation, but failing badly.

"I'm good, but can you please explain to me, WHY YOU SEND SOMEONE TO FOLLOW ME!" I yelled over the phone.

"Well first, CAN YOU PLEASE NOT YELL OVER THE PHONE! two my day is fine, thanks for asking and three because some members of the Blood Demons were found around your school area, and I wanted you to be safe, I don't want to loose you too" he said, what he means by he doesn't want to loose me is because his family died by a lower ranking gang.

The Blood Demons are the thrid most feared and dangerous gang in the world. "Okay, just tell me next time, bye gotta go"i said and ended the call.

I sat down and looked up to face Mason "Sorry about that, are you okay?" I asked, worried because I could've broken his arm.

"Yeah I'm good my arm just hurts" he said, I nodded.

"So are you new to the gang?" I asked, this time he nodded.

"I'm also new to the school too, Boss" he said looking down, I chuckled softly.

"Don't call me that, call me Alex or Aj" I said, he nodded. The whole of lunch me and Mason have been talking about our life, he is like a brother figure to me. When lunch finished I showed him to his next class, because me and him have the same schedule.

After hours of school went by it was finally home time, so we said our goodbyes and left. When I got home, I couldn't hear anyone so I went up to my room and got ready. I took a shower and dressed in a black thrasher jumper, white ripped jeans and vans, I quickly grabbed my phone, my fighting gear and gun, only for protection, then walked downstairs. I walked downstairs I went to the kitchen and grab a granola bar. As I finished eating, I put my trash in the bin and walked out the door.

When I got to my garage I opened it, I can open it four ways. One I can open it by a face scan. Two I can open it by a fingerprint scan. Three I can open it by an eye scan. Those three ways are only if I'm away for along time, but the fourth one is a normal lock, only if I am way for a short time, like a day or two.

Anyways, I tossed in my bag and got in my jet black, Lamborghini aventador, and drove off to the fighting arena. After about 21 minutes of driving, I finally got to the place and it was 7:30, I only have 30 minutes to get ready, so I grabbed my bag and walked out.

Okay this was so hard and I just started it 2 days ago when I uploaded Chapter 3, so I hope you enjoyed reading this, because I put in hard work to make it a long chapter, anyways Thxs for reading.

Probably going to upload another chapter in a day or two. Bye xo💞

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