Chapter 10 Hospital

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Unknown Pov:
There she was standing right in front of me. I haven't seen her in eleven years. She was with a little girl and my mum, and there was a little boy sleeping on the bed that looked like the little girl.

My name is Christopher King, I am 28, 6'6 and married to my beautiful wife Nicole James-King, and now I'm in hospital because we are expecting our first baby boy named Alex and our first baby girl named Piper.

Alex saw me and she stopped talking and freezed on the spot, my mum turned to see who she was staring at, than her eyes landed on me. Tears started to fill both of their eyes.

I walked into the room fully and went to my mum and hugged her. "Oh my baby is finally home" she says in between sobs, while Alex stares at me in shock.

"11 fucking years and now you're back! 11 years of being bullied! 11 years of getting ignored! And now you show up! What kind of brother does that to his sister, well guess what. All of my brothers" Alex's says crying, I stood there shocked, did my brothers really bully my little sister!

When I see them I'm going to give them a piece of my mind. I walked up to Alex and hugged her "I'm sorry Alex I didn't know, if I did I would beat there fucking asses" I said hugging her tightly.

"Muwwy who is dis?" asked a faint voice. We all turned our head to see the little boy looking at us.

I than turned back to my little sister "You're a mum?" I asked shocked. She nodded.

After ten minutes or so of catching up I found out a lot, and one being I'm an uncle to my two adopted, niece and nephew. Josh is 5 and Ella is 2.

As we were talking there was a knock on the door, then the door opened to revel the rest of the King family.

"Well if it isn't the famous Christopher King him self" my brother Jason said smiling like nothing has ever happened.

"Well if it isn't my fucked up brothers who will get their asseskicked by me" I said about to get up, but a hand pulled me back down.

"Stop, I already forgave them................. Well sort of" Alex said looking at them.

"So where is this 5th boyfriend of yours" Kyle asked looking around. Alex moved and reveled Josh.

"This is my son Josh Adam King" she said gesturing Josh. "And this is my daughter Ella Rosella King" she said gesturing Ella.

We turned around to find everyones mouth hung open except for mum.

Alex's POV
My brothers and dad looked shocked, my brothers just found out they are uncles (they don't know their adopted uncles, my dad too doesn't know their not his real grandchildren) and my dad just found out he's a grandpa to two of my kids.

"Mum who are all these people?" asked a small voice, I turned to see Josh.

"Honey you're a wake" I say happily hugging him. I felt eyes on me and I turned around to find all my brothers and my dad staring at me.

"Your a mum!" all my brothers yell, except for Chris. I cover my ears.

"First the looks, then the street fighting and racing, then all them cool cars, and now you're a mum! What's next you're the fucking new queen of England." Kyle says.

"Max was right you are a slut" Ashton says.

We stayed silent for a few minutes, until I broke the silence "You will never!" I say getting up and walking up to him "Ever fucking disrespect me or I'll have a bullet through your head!" I continue "Now get the fuck out!" I yell at them, they all went out leaving me with Josh and Chris.

I walked back to Josh and sat beside him, he then hugged me I hugged back "Don't listen to them I'm so proud of what kind of mum you've become" Chris said walking up to me and gave me a hug.

"Thanks, it really means a lot" I say crying on his shoulder. "So why are you here" I asked him, forgetting to ask that question before.

"Well let's just say your about to be an auntie soon" he says with a smirk, I felt a big smile on my face and jumped up and started jumping up and down.

"I'm going to be an auntie! Josh and Ella are going to have a cousin!" I say over and over while jumping around.

"Woah calm down tiger, no need to get that excited" he says, than continued "It's something we all should even more excited, I'm going to be a dad! You're going to be and auntie! And our brothers are going to be uncles, yay" he says, we than busted out laughing, Josh as well.

After a few minutes a doctor came in "Are you Mr King, husband of Nicole?" the doctor asked Chris, he nodded "Well your wife is about to give birth, she is in room 353" the doctor says, Chris sprinted out of the room leaving me with the doctor and Josh.

I'm so sorry I didn't update I just was so busy with school and other things I didn't have any time, pls forgive me. Anyways I hope you enjoy a short chapter, but I'll tell you the next one is going to be long so hopefully you stay tuned for that.

Anyways Thxs again for reading💕

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