Chapter 9

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I have made a change to three of the characters^
1 week later

Alex's POV
It's been 1 week since that day, I haven't talked to anyone except my gang, friend from the race and arena, and Jack.

Yep, Jack. Him and me have now a close relationship. He is like a brother figure to me, he is the one person I talk to besides the rest of my other friends.

I didn't go to school for the past week, I was being a leader and a mother for Josh and Ella.

I have talked to my mum too. She always wants to see me and the kids so we all went to movies and ate dinner together about two days ago. We are going to be doing it again tonight.

I told mum that I didn't want her to tell anyone that she has been seeing me for the past week. She said that the boys and my dad are worried about me. Such fill of shit.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a scream "Mum!" I jumped up and searched around to find the voice, I saw Josh laying on the ground.

I ran to him and saw blood coming out of his head "Sweetheart can you hear me" I said shaking him trying to wake him, but failing.

I than heard running coming down the steps."Marcus! Call an ambulance!" I yelled turning back, he nodded, pull out his phone and called them.

A few minutes later the ambulance arrived and took him, and Marcus to the hospital. I decided to tell mum and take her to the hospital with me and Ella.

I got my phone and dialed her number. Ringggggg..... Ringggggg..... Rin- "Hi dear how are you" she asked, I than heard noise at the back.

"Mum is anyone around, are you on speaker" I asked.

"Yes, now why did you call?" she asked, probably confused about why I called her.

"Take it off speaker it's about Josh" I say in a serious tone. I than heard someone in the background say "Wow another dude for another week, what a slut", I than heard a slap.

"Okay its off now what's wrong?" she asked worried.

"Josh, h- he fell and h- hi-hit his head, now his in hospital" I said while crying.

"Oh honey that's terrible news" she said, her voice almost cracking a bit.

"I'm going to pick you up, so you, me and Ella can go to the hospital together. Only if you want?" I asked her, unsure about her decision.

"Yes I'll come just give me 15 minutes to get ready" she said.

"Okay bye" I said and ended the call.

I walked up into my room to get me and Ella ready.

When we were done we got in my
2015 Camaro and drove off to 'my old house'.

8 minutes later

We got to the house in under 10 minutes with my car and driving. It usually takes 20 minutes for a normal car.

When I arrived I saw mum waiting outside with my brothers and my dad. Let me tell you my dad and brothers don't look to happy.

I parked my car and told Ella not to get out, than I walked towards my family.

"Where in the name of heavens have you been young lady" my dad asked in a stressed way.

"I had to stay away from people" I said looking dead straight at the boys.

"Still why didn't you keep in contact?" my dad asked.

"Alex we should go" my mum said.

"Yeah we should let's go, Marcus is waiting for us at the hospital with Josh" I said walking away, mum already getting into the car.

"Who is Josh and Marcus?" I heard someone call out. I turned around.

"Two very important people to me" I said.

"Can we come with you?" asked Jason. I shake my head thinking of how well Marcus or even Josh will take this. Note the sarcasm.

"Please" Wesley asked, pleading.

"Please" Ashton asked also pleading.

I finally give in "Fine you guys can come, just hurry, meet me at the Hospital" I said while walking to the car and drove off to the hospital.

When we finally got to the hospital my mum rushed out with Ella, leaving me behind. I waited a few minutes and walked slowly inside, I hate hospitals. As I walked in I looked around to find the registrar office thing. (idk what its called)

When I found it I walked up and saw  a young girl, she looked like she was 16 not over  "Hi can you please tell me where Joshua King's room is?" I asked, she nodded.

"He is in room 508, take the elevator up to the fifth floor, walk straight than turn right" I said with a smile. I thanked her and walked off.

As I turned right I looked around to find room number 508, when I finally found it I opened the door to find Marcus, my mum with Ella on her hip, looking at Josh laying on the bed breathing but not moving.

I walked towards them and sat on the bottom of where his legs are suppose to be.

"What did the doctors say?" I asked Marcus, but keeping my eyes glued on Josh.

"The doctors say he lost a lot of blood, but they say he is going to be fine" he said to me while rubbing my back.

"Muwwy is Joshey gowing tobe owkay?" she asked starting to cry a little.

"Yes, my princess, Josh is going to be just fine" I said and went to hug her, than there was a knock at the door, it was ...........................................................................

Thank you guys so much for reading. I'm so sorry I haven't been active, I'm just so busy with school and with my volleyball trainings, I haven't had anytime to update. Buy it doesn't mean I'm going to quit Wattpad, it means ill be updating very slowly. I hope you guys had/have an amazing day.

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