Chapter 18

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Three days later at the underground arena

 Alex's POV 

Right now I'm punching the sh*t out of the punching bag, why you ask?

Well................. it all started yesterday.


I just finished dropping the kids off at their friends house, when I got a call. I picked up the phone and the screen read Marcus. I slid the answer bottom thingy,

Call (A-Alex M-Marcus)

M- Hello? Alex?
A- Nah, its the cops   I said sarcastically
M- it's not the time to be sarcastic Alex get down to hq something happened
A- what happend?
M- it's better if we talk in person

End call

I was so confused, so I got into my car and drove to hq. When I arrived I got out of my car and walked in, but as soon as I walked in everyone gave me a worried look. I scanned the room to find Marcus, I found him standing in the centre, so I walked up to him. "What's going on Marcus?" I asked confused as hell. 

He looked at me then back at the large screen, "I'm so sorry Alex" he says not taking his eyes off the screen. I walked towards him and looked at the screen to see my brother's Ashton and Wesley tied up to a chair, cuts on their body, and blood, lots of it. 

The sight brought me to tears, I cried, I cried like I never have before. Someone came up and hugged me, I hugged the person back not caring who it was. I wiped my tears away and pulled away from the person, I looked at the screen and  my face went from sad to anger.

"Who did this!?" I called out. No one answered, "I'm not going to repeat myself twice so someone answer me!" I yelled.

A girl who was around about my age, Crystal is her name, she is in charge of all the technological stuff. "I'm sorry Alex, but I'm still tracking down the location of who sent it and where it was taken"  she says her head down low.

I looked at her then back at Marcus and said, "Marcus come with me, I need you to help me to watch my family, I also want 10 men watching around my family's house," he nodded and started walking as I left the girl.

I got in my car and drove back home. On the way home I was mad, whoever had done this will have a bullets put through their heads. No one fucks with my family and gets away with it. I sped up and in a couple of minutes until I was at the house. I got out of my car, slamming my door behind me.

I burst through the house doors, I walked up the stairs to my dads office, when I got to the office there was already people there. A lot of people. They were gathered around a big table, they all looked at me annoyed, but I couldn't really care less. "Whatever this meeting is, its over," I said aggressively.

"Its not over until we say its over," someone said, two people stood up. My dad and shit- its my uncle. I rolled my eyes, my gang is the most feared gang in both America and Canada, my dads the second, but my uncle, well that's a whole different story.

You see my uncle, Marco DeAngelo is the leader of DeAngelo Mafia, the most dangerous and biggest gang in the world. They are located in every single country, but their main location is in Italy. Guess gang-leaders run in the family, aye. 

He is my favourite uncle since I could remember, I haven't seen him in a while since he had to go back to Italy for 'work'. "Why are you here, zio," I said (zio- means uncle, in Italian).

"Oh so no hug," he says, holding his chest, offended. I gave him a death glare, then we both cracked up, I walked up to him and gave him a hug.

When I let go I put on a serious face, "I didn't come here to catch up, giggles and laughs," I said in a serious tone. I took a quick breather then continued, "It is a good thing that all of yous are here, because I think we need all the help we can get," 

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