Chapter 5

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Wesley POV (finally changed it)

(its the same day)

Today me and the boys tried to talk to our little sister, but she kept on running away every time we walk towards her. We wanted to say we were sorry but she just ran, so we gave up trying. Through first lunch we didn't see Alex, we got worried, we thought she might of got kidnapped by another gang.

Yep, you heard right, another gang. Me, my brothers and all of our friends are all part of a gang. Our dad owns the gang, as well as owning company's across the world. Jason is soon to take over at the end of the year.

Our gang is called the Bloody Demons, we are the thrid most feared gang in the world. The second most feared gang is called the Black Angels, there a gang from London. The first most feared gang is called the Deadly Vipers. No one want to mess with them because they can hunt you down and kill you within 24 hours. No one really knows who the leader of the gang is because he never comes out, but if he does you can't tell anyone or he'll kill you.

The only reason way we are mean to Alex is because we are popular and she's not, because we could have people spying on us, and also because she's not into that kind of stuff, but at times she's being such a brat.

When the bell rung to go home, our group decide to go out and watch the Queen at the underground arena, so we all walked to our cars. As we were waiting for a few of our friends we saw our sister with the new kid, I think his name is Mason. "Ashton, Kyle look over there looks like our sister made a move on the new boy" I said, the whole group looked at them.

"Wow, she's such a slut" Max say, while holding one of Maddison's minions tightly.

"Don't you fucking dare say that about our sister" me, Ashton and Kyle growled at the same time, which it so creepy, but made him shut up and he started making out with the minion, everyone went back to talking about the fight tonight, while I looked back over and saw them hugging, then Alex left him.

Since his wore a jacket he toke it off and put it in the seat of his motor bike. I also noticed that he had lots of tattoos. But on his left arm had a tattoo, not just any tattoo, The Deadly Vipers tattoo. He got on his motorbike and left.

"Guys, that dude that was just with Alex had the Deadly Vipers tattoo" I said getting worried, everyone went silent. What if he was going to kidnap Alex, what if he is going to use her against us, or even worse he's the leader.

"He had what!" Kyle and Kyle asked at the same time.

"I said-" but was cut off.

"We know what you said, we got to tell Jason, mum and dad" Ashton says, everyone nodded and got in the car and Ashton called the meeting.

20 minutes later (SpongeBob voice)

We were all sitting down in our meeting place where we do our meetings, when the door burst opened to revel our parents and Jason. Our dad sat down on the end of the table, with our mum seated beside him and Jason standing behind his chair.

"Who has called this meeting" my dad asked eyeing everyone.

"Me, Ashton and Kyle did" I said.

"Okay son, what do you want to talk about?" he asked.

"Today I had found out that there is a member of the Deadly Vipers that is attending our school" I said, whispers start filling the room. I looked at my dad waiting for his answer, but he just nodded for me to continue.

"It seems that the member is getting close with Alex and this member looks to be the gang leader possibly" I said, than waited for hell to break loose.

"He is what! Hell no! He will not go near my baby girl!" I was so shocked because it was my mum who said that. Everyone looked at her. "Even though I am mean to her, it wasn't my choice to do so. I love my little girl so much I don't want to see her get hurt" she explained, we all nodded.

"Everyone go home and rest, boys you will look after your sister, but don't get caught okay, meeting dismissed" my dad said, everyone walked out of the room and went home, except for my friends and brothers we all went to eat than the fighting arena.

Today Max will be going against The queen, we put $500,000 for him to win so hopefully he wins, but we don't care if we loose the money because we're in a gang after all, we're loaded with money.

Alex's POV
As I finished changing it was 7:49, so I walked out the door. When I walked out the door I saw Lucas leaning against a wall playing on his phone, he looked up and saw me "Hey, ready for your fight?" he asked me, while putting his phone back in his pocket.

"Yeah, always ready" I said, we both walked towards the ring. Then it starts.

"I will like to introduce you all to a new fighter named Dark Knight! He is also part of the third most feared gang called the Bloody Demons!" the spokes man yelled, everyone claps but some boo's. The person walks up, I look at him, than I realized that it's Max. Fucking shit! Why does the world hate me so much. He walked into the ring and stays in one corner. I can't believe this, that means my family owns that gang. Right?

One day I was walking past my dads office I heard them talking about a gang meeting and when Jason was going to take over. I thought it was something else but I guess not, I can't believe it that means my whole family is targeted. Fuck my life.

"He will be going against the world's undefeated fighter she goes by Black Shadow, but is more know as The Queen" he yelled, everyone was clapping, cat whistling or chanting my name. I walked up and took my position, since I was wearing my hoodie Max couldnt see me.

The spoke man went quite and the refery came outand both me and Max went to the centre "I want a nice clear fight, no weapon of any sorts, got that?" the refery asked, we both nodded "Okay begin in 3........2.........1. Go!" he yelled, and we're off.

He threw the first punch, bad move. I dodged it. He tried again but I blocked him. "Why arnt you fighting back, too scared you're going to break your nail" Max asked cocky, than laughed. That made me snap, if someone ever says that I'm scared or anything to do with what he said I will be pissed off, and right now I'm very pissed off.

While he was laughing I quickly did in uppercut and punched him in the stomach, he fell down, and my hood came off as well, but before I realized I said "Weak". After 10 seconds he didn't get up "Your winner tonight is the undefeated champ Black Shadow!" the spokes man yelled.

Everyone was clapping and cheering, I looked in the crowd to find my brothers and their group of friends staring at me. I ran off the ring ignoring people and heard straight to my locker room.

When I got inside I locked the door and got all my things, as I put the last item in my bag someone knocked on the door. "AJ, it's me Lucus" Lucas said, I walked to the door and opened it, I pulled him in and locked the door. "Here's your money"he said while handing over a bag.

"Thanks, I have to go my brothers are outside somewhere." I said and grabbed my other bag, I quickly hugged him and told him I will call him tomorrow, than walked out the door.

When I walked out I looked around and put my hoodie on. When I finally reached the door to get out a hand grabbed me by the wrist, I turned around, to come face to face with my brothers. Fuck. Was all I said in my mind.

Hey guys sorry it took a long time to upload, but I was busy because I have to do chores and I went out yesterday for the while day so I'm so sorry.

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, if you did favorite it and follow me. Bye lovely💞

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