Chapter 6

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Alex's POV
I was standing there face to face with my brothers and their friends, all of them just standing there. We stood there for a good two minutes, when Max came back with ice on his head and his mouth bleeding.

"What are you guys sta-" before Max could finish he saw me.

"Okay if none of yous are gonna talk imma go back home" I said, while taking Jason's hand off my wrist, just as I was about to walk out someone called me.

"Alexandria!" the person yelled, I turned around to face may brothers and their group, than I walked up to my brother Kyle and punched him in the stomach.

He fell to the ground holding his stomach "Don't you guys fucking dare say my name out loud in this place again understood" I asked they nodded, I was worried if people caught on they would kill my whole family if they knew my name. "Now come on we're all going home and having a huge talk" I said while walking away.

I heard footsteps behind me meaning that they are following me, we all went to their cars first and they all had either BMW's or Ferrari's "Okay get in all your cars and drive back to the our house" I said, they all followed my instruction and got in the car and drove off.

I got in my Lamborghini, put the bags in the passengers seat, started the car and drove off following my brother and their friends. I sped past them and through a street I take to our house, while they take the long way.

When I arrived parked my car at the front and walked into the house and to the living room were my parents were siting. They both looked at me "Where have you been young lady" my dad asked, I didn't answer "Your father asked you a question" my mum said nicely, people have weird feelings.

"I was out, the boys and their friends are coming home right now to talk about it" I said t them, my mum noticed me wearing my fighting gear that shows some tattoos I have and raised an eyebrow.

I have a 7 tattoos and two of them is my gang tattoo and my gang leader tattoo.

After about 4 minutes we heard cars pulling into the drive way, well its now or never. Than we heard car door closing and the front door opening, and in walked al their friends and them.

They all sat down on three couches while I stay standing "Is that really your car outside?" asked one of the girls in the group, I simple nodded, she looked really pretty and not slutty like Madison and her friends, who were eyeing me.

"Wow, I cant believe you replied!, this is the best day of my life!, so how many cars do you have? How, many motorcycles to do have? Is it true-" but before the girl could finish her question, she was interrupted by my mum.

"Okay, what in the hell is going on and can someone please explain to me why Max's mouth is bleeding and has ice on his head" my mum questioned, everyone turned to me.

I put my hands up in surrender "Hey, its not my fault, he was asking for it" I said, my mum and dad looked surprised.

"What do mean he asked for it, you couldn't hurt a fly, you looked weak to" Madison's friend said.

"Excuse you, but do you street fight?" I asked the girl, she shook her head. "Are you in a gang called the Bloody Demons?" I asked she nodded, I ignored the staring coming from everybody.

"Do you street race?" I asked she shook her head. "Don't judge me for the way I look and dress because you don't know me" I said coldly. I could see fear in her eyes.

"How do you know the gang called Bloody Demons?" my mum asked, fuck I'm not supposed to say anything about it, stupid memory.

"I'm a streetfighter and racer, people like me know what's going on either on the street or not. Some gangs try and catch me but always fail" I said truthfully, yeah some gangs fail, what I mean by fail, is that they die if they chase after me.

"You're a streetfighter and racer?" my parents asked at the same time, I nodded my head. They both walked up to me and hugged me. Wow.

" finally we don't have to lie to you about what we do or what I mean is what your father and brothers do" my mum said tears streaming down her face.

"Oh don't worry I know that dads a gang leader of the Bloody Demons and Jason's gonna take over" I said pulling away from the hug, than I look at everyone. "So does that mean you ignored me and bullied me because you guys were trying to protect me?" I asked they all nodded.

"Well ignored yes, but we didn't say anything about bullying! Who bullied my baby girl!" my mum yelled out, I pointed to the group, but I grabbed the girl who asked me questions earlier. "You boys are going to be cleaning the house for the rest of the week" she said to the boys, she than turned to me "How about we go shopping tomorrow?" I nodded my head, finally I got my mother and daughter time.

"Why is your street fighting name by the way?" asked my dad asked. Shit.

"Black Shadow" I whispered so lightly no one could hear.

"Who?" asked my dad again.

"Black Shadow" I said in my normal voice. My parents looked shocked, Madison and her minions went pale. Sucks to be them, but I would never want to be them.

"Is there anymore questions?" I asked, please no more questions, everyone has been staring at me and it's uncomfortable.

No one answered so I left the room and went upstairs into my room. When I got to my room I went to take a shower and than I dressed in my pj's, than went to bed.

Well now I can finally go to school and not be fake, but be the real me. I guess that means people will track me easily, that's why I have street fighting and racing.

Tomorrow is going to be....... I don't know what but I'm sure I'll live through it.

Okay I'm so proud of myself because I updated twice in one day🎉
So tomorrow I'm going to maybe upload another chapter but I don't know I maybe not. If I don't I'm so sorry. Also the next upload will probably be some of the characters. With all that settled. Bye lovely's💞

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